
Hey Rana,

im sorry the artist didn't use high res graphics for your 1 minute and 42 second viewing pleasure

Lincoln cathedral was the building that superseded the great pyramid on height and was built up throughout the 1300s. so early skyscrapers that came later were not all that impressive on height alone. its 271ft (83m) today, and 525ft (160m) back when it had wooden spires.

Unfortunately microtransactions will only become more "popular". It's an easy way to make quick cash. While you'll have a ton of reasonable people never buy it, you'll always have those people who either 1) doesn't care they are wasting money or 2) is a child with a parent who doesn't know gaming or anything about

I'm glad you chose the season 1 Walking Dead opening. I think the element of the broken picture frames is really really necessary and effective and it's sadly missing from later versions.

maybe animals only see in 360p....

It still brings a grin to my face when the. Master race claimed superiority after the launches of the 360 and ps3, the simple fact was that they had the edge on graphics at the time of their launch.

I think that point is moot, I've actually seen this exact ad elsewhere.

You didn't think through the implications enough.

"Should I bother going to see Aunt Julia in person and eat her crappy cookies and listen to her boring stories, or should I just send her a TeleHug?"

It's not your SO hugging you. That's what's evil about it.

Abrams has nothing to do with this show beyond producing it through Bad Rbot and promoting it.

This argument sometimes gets trotted out in defense of blatantly illegal and indefensible acts of piracy, sure, but it is a legitimate concern facing all kinds of proprietary hardware. People who need to preserve older software (librarians, businesses maintaining legacy applications, etc.) already have to deal with

Yes, it does. I've played strategy games for decades and no other game has been so good that it has ruined other strategy games for me like Crusader Kings II has. I bought Total War: Rome II, after buying and loving every Total War game since Shogun, and I just couldn't get more than a couple of hours into it. It has

I totally disagree. The trustworthiness of pdfs and docs are way low. Txt is way high. Why? Viruses. While the data in a txt might lie, the txt doc itself can be very well trusted.

Less importantly on that day? I was born. Yep, I turned 41 today!

Jet Set Radio. that's all I have to say

If your opinion is that gaming has been in a dark age for the entire last console generation, your opinion is insane.

i'ts true, there is a big difference between an old game being crappy because of bad design, and a newer game being crappy because of bad programming.