
It's not impossible… I used to zipline across rivers in my T-16 back home.

I've bought multiple games I've pirated. I'm not defending the practice at all but it's not as black and white as you seem to think it is.

I think the #1 most bankable villain (but not race) in the ST 'verse is Q. Granted, he doesn't apply until TNG era, and his threats are far more existential than fighting-in-space-with-Khan, but most Trekkies I know would love to see some big screen story involving the Q Continuum. Even if it isn't John De Lancie.

I was checking Twitter trends in the morning and saw Herschel as one, I knew he was a goner. Didn't ruin the episode for me at all.

Supposedly theyll have anti-theft cameras. You'd be arrested rather quickly.

Exactly. You can't just steamroll every road, tree and river in order to move a monstrosity from point A to point B.

Searching for something that isn't there. The director (or the DOP) committed to some basic (and very effective) tools of the trade like one-point perspective and the rule of thirds for a visually coherent and thus striking movie. The fact that Mr. Shirazi can fit the golden spiral almost everywhere is just a proof

Hiya. For the most part it is characters which are a problem here, and new posters for films. With my images, based on locations from books, I swerve a lot of problems... I wouldn't wade into Tolkien territory deeper than i already have, i.e. no 'Minas Morgul' or whatever... that might cause problems with the estate.

The game, I hope you meant "beat the game".

It almost took me longer to install Ryse than it did for me to beat it.

Welcome to Buzzmodo.

I agree in principle but we have not hit the bottom of the potential cycle yet....barely anything came of it because we propped up the house of cards before the wind could really blow....there is a bigger actual crash coming and this one won't be stopped.

Of all the indignities we have to suffer at the hands of TSA (as opposed to nearly any other country where they snicker at you if you take off your shoes or remove your quart bag with your toiletries) the thing that irritates me the most is standing in that little glass machine and raising my hands up like a criminal

Yes. So much that.

In a way I actually like that. Those 95% are usually useless, because they are too extreme and won't tell you anything of value (1 star ratings for technical issues might be the exception). So the rating system allows me to immediately identify all those crappy reviews and go to the more differentiated 2-4 star

The system will also display each reviewer's playtime in parentheses next to their review.

There was an actual expert in copyright law in this very site a few days ago answering questions like yours. It is worth the time searching the post to clarify some common copyright's questions.

The Thrawn Trilogy isn't too big. Its perfect for 3 movies in fact, 3 books, 3 movies.

The Thrawn Trilogy isn't too big. Its perfect for 3 movies in fact, 3 books, 3 movies.

They are completely ignoring the EU as far as the sequels are concerned.