
Jet Set Radio. that's all I have to say

If your opinion is that gaming has been in a dark age for the entire last console generation, your opinion is insane.

i'ts true, there is a big difference between an old game being crappy because of bad design, and a newer game being crappy because of bad programming.

I don't think the games of the past had a better or worse percentage than today, there've always been tons of crappy/mediocre games and a few good ones. The problem is just that people mostly only remember the good ones and forget the rest, making old games seem like they were better overall.

I didn't realize opinions were fact.

I just posted about being in that category myself. Plus, you forgot Doom 1, Diablo 1, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Wolfenstein, Age of Empires, etc. My only problem with games today is most Dev's only focus on the multiplayer part and not the single player part. Also, when it's flipped the other way around, we get 4+

"worried less about graphics"... huh?

My opinion is fact, sorry.

Nice try troll. :)

I've bought multiple games I've pirated. I'm not defending the practice at all but it's not as black and white as you seem to think it is.

The game, I hope you meant "beat the game".

It almost took me longer to install Ryse than it did for me to beat it.

In a way I actually like that. Those 95% are usually useless, because they are too extreme and won't tell you anything of value (1 star ratings for technical issues might be the exception). So the rating system allows me to immediately identify all those crappy reviews and go to the more differentiated 2-4 star

The system will also display each reviewer's playtime in parentheses next to their review.

The Thrawn Trilogy isn't too big. Its perfect for 3 movies in fact, 3 books, 3 movies.

The Thrawn Trilogy isn't too big. Its perfect for 3 movies in fact, 3 books, 3 movies.

They are completely ignoring the EU as far as the sequels are concerned.

Well, besides the people who ordered online and got it shipped early. They are the people who both payed for and received their consoles "first".

I just totally forgot EA is a publisher and not a developer, Tell Tale could still make an EA published Star Wars game!