At least, it isn't another modern first person shooter, Crytek learned from their previous experiences, unlike most of the currently popular studios.
At least, it isn't another modern first person shooter, Crytek learned from their previous experiences, unlike most of the currently popular studios.
jesus, they sure do crank out these lego games, don't they? everyone moans about COD's endless sequels, but i recon traveler's tales has eclipsed that franchise a couple times over by now
And thus, Nintendo advertised the Wii U to more of its target audience than it ever could with TV ads.
I love VVVVVV and it's OST is one of the very few I've downloeaded in this gen (not really a fan of recent stuff).
I almost accidentally bought Prison Architect again.
There was a time when Michel Ancel created and directed the Rayman franchise, there were the dark years, and there is now, the second time when Michel Ancel is directing the Rayman franchise and is doing a god damn good job at it.
or a Wii U
LotSB was, for me, the best four hours of the roughly 100 hours of Mass Effect we've had so far.
You can bet it won't be on 360 or ps3.
you must be young if that garbage is what you remember Rayman being...
9 months of dev time for dlc = on disc dlc
No no, that's the Goatse edition.
I recommend filtering out any servers that aren't "hardcore." Hardcore servers do away with about 90% of all that HUD nonsense — and it IS nonsense.
There is a Hardcore mode with barely a HUD and it's, overall, a better game experience in all these shooters.
yeah because sunlight and dust don't really happen in real life.
I'm waiting for the day they allow us to make the floating icons 80% transparent so i don't think its a FUCKING SOLDIER SNEAKING UP ON ME!
The developers are saying they're attaching all the SP nuts and bolts on the MP in some initial manner and then letting you have free reign after some accomplishments/missons, or somin' like that. Check out the Titanfall tag here on Kotaku, you should find the article, or just Google it =)
Wait, it's going to have a carryover story???
Hi Steve! Welcome to our home.
@Llost: I love your sarcasm!