
That is because it is the only thing on Sci-Fi worth watching (maybe also Warehouse 13) and given how Sci-Fi has treated other new series (SG:U, Caprica) I would not have expected it to make it past the first season anyways.

You didnt even get the full link to work.

The chances that there are any sentient life forms any closer than the other side of the galaxy are pretty much just as good as the chances that there are on the dark side of the moon.

Funny, but he actually does. He researched the shit bigtime for his Mars trilogy.

As much as I didn't like the Xbox One and it's DRM crap I'm kind of disgusted that MS would backpedal like that after touting all the amazing features this would bring to the future of gaming. Shows a distinct lack of vision, leadership and overall plan for their system. What about the cloud computing and game sharing

I'll definitely want to check out Project Spark, I can see some fun times with that one.

High setup/startup costs and delayed revenue streams, I'd imagine.

Wait a second didn't we go from 6 billion to 7.2 billion in only a few years? Why would it take so long to get the additional 5 Billion? Or are we taking into account our draconian overlords and the flouride in the water and the fema camps mudkips mudkips mudkips

I know people would cry despotism if we limited reproductive rights, but perhaps it's time. I'm not saying that there should be a government abortion squad, like many republicans fear exist somewhere in China, but perhaps there should be tax incentives for people to control their reproduction, and for people to be

One child, per family, for 10 years. If would fix many problems with jobs, food, and education. And in those 10 years culture would change to reflect that so my guess is people would adapt to that change pretty quickly. In 20 years as those children finish school and join the workforce they will find more

The solution is to find appropriately sized nickle/iron asteroids and hurl them at population centers in India/China/Indonesia/Brazil/and some central African countries. Wipe a billion or two off the planet right away and secondary and tertiary effect deaths should keep population down for another century or two.

Yeah, I never quite understood Japan's dislike of Xbox (just a preference for their own country's brands, perhaps?), but you have a point there.

You can cut about 150 million off Bangladesh seeing as how most of them will be dead/underwater.

This is crap. Demographers have been predicting population explosion for a long time. As countries develop, the birth rates fall precipitously. This is assuming the underdeveloped countries experience no development at all for the rest of the century?

I can see this being something that Best Buy might use as a marketing tool. Don't have the internet? For the low price of $150 you can have Geek Squad set up you Xbox!!!

So you believe it when they say something you don't like. But you don't believe it when they reverse the shit...you...don't...like?

Personally, while I don't recollect any implication of structural necessity myself (beyond the buzzword filled and ultimately inconsequential Azure cloud processing), I find statements like that are typically just smoke and mirrors. I believe if Microsoft wanted to they could reverse these policies and restrictions

I don't understand why people want to make every open world game into a mmorpg. It just won't work. mmorpgs sacrifice story and gameplay for its massive online aspect and the core game gets crappier to compensate. Just look at elder scrolls online, it looks hideous.

What are you talking about? That phrase is streets ahead!

You two seem to have missed the point. They're looking for the linguistic derivation. Charles and Angel both have root meanings that they've explored.

"Virginia" is virgin's land, even if it was so named in honor of Queen Elizabeth, because the derivation is "Land of the Virgin."