
Just start another cold war and claim we can't afford a Colony Gap.

When we went to the moon, we were spending a "measly" 1% of our total budget toward NASA. Now it's 1/10th of that. If the US only spent 1% again, who knows what we would accomplish.

The surprise in this news would be anyone being surprised at this news!

There needs to be an exclamation point right here. "Never!!!!"

Yep, if you follow the links to the web-version you'll see that every venue also has a google-map link for proper navigation. Original intent was simply to include it in the paper programmes, online version was an afterthought!

Space: Fourteen years ago.

In the City.

I got the impression that "on a table" or "in a drawer" might not quite adequately convey the lady's degree of dissatisfaction with the gift. And "in the garbage disposal" might backfire if the well-meaning husband took the loss to be an unfortunate accident and replaced it.

the watch lies unused on my floor

Yes they did. The US and the USSR are not moral equivalents. The folks that died at Kolyma are proof to that.

Xbox One pre-orders are selling out everywhere. Looks like all the bs shit talking by PS fanboys is having no effect on sales.

Indeed, and I am certainly a believer in extraterrestrial life myself - I just don't believe they've visited our planet, which is somewhat amusing since my hometown is Roswell, NM...

It's Vista all over again!

Really? Just because have what you've heard at gamestop? of the 17 gamestop's in a 50 mile radius of my house, 15 are completely sold out of X1 consoles. No offense to you intended, but I think X1 fans are just not willing to argue after ALL the negative feedback on the web

Really? You are going to base your decision on what to buy, or not buy, by the possible features described in a PATENT that a company holds? Jesus. Don't forget your tin foil hat bro.

I think I laughed out loud like a mental patient for a minute after reading the Buster Bluth/mitten line.

I highly doubt Mirror's Edge will have a fully open world. Like I've said before, I think the game will be a hugely expanded Playground, and not every building will be accessible. The game's city is just too massive for that.

It's mentioned in ME1, actually, as part of Garrus' personal quest. As he relates his hunt for Doctor Saleon, one of the things that gets mentioned is the black market for krogan testicles. It gets referenced in the other two games, but the first game has the first reference to the idea of Krogan getting additional

There's also a couple of references in ME2, at least, if Shepard's a woman. When Garrus shoots Fade in the foot, Shepard rather pointedly says she wouldn't have shot him in the foot...