
The Orville is weird. I like it for the characters and the sci-fi stories, but the workplace humor feels out of place. Maybe it is because of the 21st century references taking you out of it.

The biggest problem is that this is a rule that was decided on by a handful of unelected people. This is legislation level stuff from start to finish.

A console doesn’t need actual exclusives for it to be popular. It just needs games that are exclusive in a certain way. The Switch could easily end up in #2 this generation, if all its third-party games were just 5-year-old AAA games and multi-platform indies, solely for the fact that this is the only console that

Good news, Egypt does not ban people with Israeli passports like most Arab countries. You will need a visa though, granted by the Egyptian authorities. I don’t know how hard that is though, but looking through the basic info it’s at least possible.

Couldn’t care less what the gender of my opponent was. The only category I’d like to exclude would be obnoxious kids, who are playing something out of their league.

Your Name is just such a great movie. Funny, thought-provoking, sad, the whole she-bang. Once it’s done you just have this feeling, you know? I had a similar feeling after watching Spirited Away.

Bye Katharine. You’re a great writer. Best of luck to you and your future endeavors.

It’s definitely up there in the top 5, in terms of what a game can bring to the table. What other game can give you situations like:

This somehow has made Trump seem even more repulsive. **shudders**

I had no tech issues on my end when I bought and played it a few weeks ago. I think several patches since release have helped make it as stable as the original.

As FoxKelfonne said, that’s not correct. There’s a lot of commercial games, the below being even quite successful:

I finally get it. I saw a trailer for this in the theater and I thought, why is there a shitty looking Marvel movie that I’ve never heard about.

Now playing

Just watched The Avengers 2 trailer, as I felt it would fit this well. It did:

How detailed will the photos be that we get of this thing?

That game made a long trip in the car back home from holiday very doable.


For an ironborn, paying for possessions is considered sacrilegious, as it’s more honorable to kill someone and take what they own by force.

Anytime there’s something stupid like this, you can pretty much count on him trying to bury something else coming up in the news cycle, which is worse.

The original couple Fast and the Furious movies were a great inspiration for the NFS: Underground series so this has potential.

I like it. There need to be more games that build a game around mundane activities/not saving the world.