
I simply cannot unsee C3Po’s silver right leg, ever since I learned about it. How could I not have noticed!

I agree with the spirit of the analogy, but the general consensus was never that the Earth was flat. The Greeks knew it was round. Medieval sailors did. The whole flat Earth thing was started by a book from either the 18th/19th century. And it was never mainstream.

It depends on the quality of the product. If it brings something new to the table, the price doesn’t have to be too low.

Rumble was very popular for a few weeks and still gets good player numbers, compared to hockey and hoops. If Dropball can entertain the community a lot for the initial period and then get Rumble-like player numbers after everyone’s played a bit, then I think Psyonix can be proud.

Free speech only pertains to the government not being able to do anything about someone saying it. Facebook is not the government, so they’d be in their right to ban hate speech messages like that.

Now playing

Someone called theIRML made CGI remakes of some battle scenes and several people, including me, synced those to the sound. I”m embedding those made by someone else, because they’re more complete than the early version that I originally used.

I liked it a lot, but having seen DS9's Pilot The Emissary the setup was too much explored already for it to blow me away.

Jedi Academy is pretty much third-person as light sabers are so central to the game.

I don’t think that Oxford dictionary description actually works for what we generally call true dystopias.

According to this dec 2016 map, there aren’t Trump properties in Saudi Arabia. All the rest of your point is still very valid and makes this such a strange list of countries.

800x600 I imagine?

Now that I see it, I think developers of games like this should try this out during development. Can you understand the basics of what’s going, recognize the enemy, the various class types, the weapon effects, etc. when you’re playing it on a resolution close to what the 8-bit/16-bit consoles packed? Judging by the

Looking back I think I might’ve been subconsciously referring to a different version of the Borg that FC is a sequel too. The mysterious, horror version of the Borg that was alluded to in “The Neutral Zone”, shown in “Q Who?” and faced off against in “BoBW”.

ID was mostly fine until the last bit when all the needless ripping off of TWOK. They were doing interesting things with NuKhan, making him a bit of an anti-hero that could team up with Kirk against a mutual enemy.

I think the main reason that based-on-TV Star Trek films generally failed or didn’t fail was if they built on something from the shows:

Astroneer seems to have sold like hot-cakes, seeing as it has only been out in Early Access for a few weeks.

True. Here popular vote percentage is around that of Bush Jr. 1st time and Bill Clinton both times. Unlike them, they were all in the wrong places.

Good point. The Enterprise was an update on the age-old flying saucer. What made it believable and revolutionary is that it separated all of its parts. There was the saucer part that housed the living area, the engineering section, the propulsion section and the futuristic engines in the back, out of the way. On a

Only 25 km/15 mi from a nuke. I’m already one of the Children of the Atom. Not waiting for an undetonated nuke to fall down next to my house to start with that.

His art is on another level. The color use, the inspiration, etc.