
That third SW7 trailer from which the style and music is fun is up there with the greats as far as I’m concerned.

Was the Heston version a successful religious epic? Don’t know how it is in other versions, but the Jesus part of the movie just feels tacked on. Jesus’ role in the movie is just a lame Son of Deus Ex Machina. The story doesn’t need it IMO.

From what I can gather, but I won’t claim to be an expert, basically just the plant’s immediate area. Nothing compared to Chernobyl. And the zones around that area wider than necessary too. Why risk a single person getting cancer because you forced them to live there, when you have endless cities and towns in the

Really? The general consensus seems to be that Crusade and Raiders are the best, followed by Doom and then Crystal. What makes you like Crystal over The Last Crusade?

Full agree with Jurassic Park at #1. It felt so real that it still defines how we imagine an entire epoch full of animals to have looked.

Rounding up the age of BTTFII made me feel a bit too old. It’s 26 years old, not 30 dammit! Those 4 years make a difference :p

So are the misspellings like honer instead of honor part of his campaign, or does he have terrible staff?

I love games like this. A crazy combo of genres, but the moment you see it you know it will gel with each other.

Will concede to the first and especially the last point, but regarding reusable space vehicles we’re moving forwards. Due to all its design compromises, the Space Shuttle could barely be called reusable and it was only suitable for missions to LEO. SpaceXs rockets and spacecraft are well on their way to becoming

It also has conceptual Cold War battle plans, hostage crises and lists the Armada of 1779 as taking place in 2011.

These are all push doors though. The robot Jurassic Park is still a ways away. Start preparing, by stockpiling hockey sticks though. They seem to hate those.

That was so much faster than your normally see. Anyone got any videos of this or other races from a stationary perspective? They must go by so fast in those!

The Talos Principle has the same price point, but it did very well and is a very similar game. Perhaps The Witness hasn’t had its first sale or word-of-mouth boost yet.

When I read the Dutch name I kind of felt an urge to run for the Belgian or German border.

It doesn’t work for thin French Fries, but the thicker Belgian and Dutch fries go really well with mayonnaise (which is probably a little different per brand/country).

What part of NYC is not just as perfectly suited for this as these things?

“Well-known carpet distributor Konami”

I much prefer the HL2 shotgun over the HL1 shotgun. In HL1 all the guns but the shotgun felt pretty bad, but in HL2 most guns feel much better (plus you have the gravity gun) and I still prefer using the shotgun. IMO that makes it a better gun.

Amazing film when it did new stuff, but when it tried to redo old stuff it could’ve been better, because it felt a bit done-that. I immediately loved all the new characters/plots, but many of the old ones weighted it down a bit. I hope the next one will be more on its own. Because these new actors, etc. are seriously