
I liked this episode very much. The characters really gel together, plus the bad guy didn’t stand out too much. The week before you’ve got these big stars playing roles similar to what you know them for and that kind of distracted me a bit from the rest.

It can’t be denied that it would’ve been bad wording on the title writer’s part, but just saying that this could’ve been their intention.

Perhaps the intent was to refer to the Victorian Sherlock Holmes special, instead of the style of the poster?

As a European, hearing about a mass shooting in the states is like hearing about some terrorist bombing in the Middle East, i.e. not noteworthy. It says something about the frequency of both that causes that.

If you’re listening Brian: make a PC version too. Loved RCR, but I’m not a console gamer.

This will be the biggest challenge I think in the years to come. If all cars were automated tomorrow, with no drive input, it would be relatively easy. It’s all about the integration of the person into the automated car that is the problem. Relaxing postures, helpful trays, etc. are suddenly possible but how to deal

Kind of like manual vs. automatic. It’s standard to be manual in many European countries, but I understand automatic is the norm in the US.

I, Robot is a good one. Just like the real world it’s a mix of old and new. Old Brooklyn tenements mixed in with a futuristic public transport line and robots. People are very, very comfortable in the decade-old buildings of their cities. Yet movies always bulldoze everything and just put in big neon-clad skyscrapers

The original Deus Ex is having quite the Renaissance. First New Vision, then Revision, now this. It’s telling of how special this game is, if it has still has so much enthusiasm for it after almost 15 years.

And asStargate Atlantis had been cancelled in favor of this new show, fans who were primed to dislike SGU found plenty to loathe.

• Hey, The Talking Dead. I know you love having “surprise” guests, but when the episode almost literally only has two characters in it, it’s pretty goddamned easy to figure out who the guests are gonna be, okay?

I thought I remembered him from somewhere: the older version is played by the actor who also played some whacked out dude in that trippy drug room at the party half-way through Superbad.

Homelessness is not just about having a home, it’s also about having a means to support that home/life. That has be through your own income, subsidies or a mix of both. While having a home makes it easier to get a job, having a home does not equal job. Getting the money for that home/life would be easier in the US

Episode 1 didn’t have bad CGI for the time and a lot of stuff was physical instead of CGI too, far more than the other prequels combined. Episode 2’s CGI takes me out of the movie much more, since they built everything around green screens while the technology wasn’t mature enough.

Which I do. My fav sites are all exempt.

Not rich, or not living rich? Wikipedia mentions he has millions of dollars of income a year. It’s his choice, a smart one if you ask me, to not spend on a lavish lifestyle, but on charity or buildings a business, etc. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t make a lot of money.

I would have zero issues with YT ads if they were all either the 5-10 seconds ones (for longer videos) or text for shorter ones. It’s the pre-rolls that ruin it for me though.

The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.

I did like how Ezra immediately questioned 7th’s comment. Even he didn’t know why she said that.

The Sega Mark III kind of reminds me of some of Mass Effect’s design aesthethic, such as the Normandy.