
Example of making paid better than piracy: Paradox Interactive's forum system. If you pay you can use your game key to enter parts of the forum that unregistered users can't enter. The most important of these being the modding forum. The former will grant you access to 90% of mods and as a modder it's a great place

Of course, everyone who paid for Talos Principle can get out of it just fine.

Cannot recommend Olli Olli enough. It gets the 'perfect run' gameplay just right, just like Super Meat Boy or Hotline Miami. Luftrausers also has does that very well, like the words in the article said, but in my opinion there's just not enough variation in that game to really lift it to the level of the greats of

Damn you and your logic :D

Lair of the Shadow Broker for Mass Effect 2 and Citadel for Mass Effect 3.

I first read it as 'unvisits'. If one political leader can unvisit things, it'd be a North Korean one so it made sense for a moment too.

A bit of a necro-post, but I just wanted to let you know you're probably right :D. I did a recent playthrough and even though I tried to control myself I punched her on the last question, because one just has to.

Actually that's sometimes used to check if you're using a gamepad or keyboard + mouse. In that case I feel it serves its purpose.

They should've just done a variation of the potato/coal hunts a few years back. Those were fun, instead of 'Gem Farming Simulator 2014'.

But not the time :P

Modded SimCity 4. Vanilla SimCity 4 is a pathfinding hell. And if you're doing cities on that level of detail, pathfinding issues just break the game. Luckily we had amazing modders that fixed everything.

You what I just realized I would like to see made with the Filmmaker? The Matrix Reloaded's Burly Brawl (or a variation on it) using the Scout as Neo and the Sniper + Sunglasses as Mr. Smith.

At first I though the picture was of Evil Dead's Ash.

A nice bite-sized amount of fun. Wouldn't mind to see more, maybe as a full game without the Wolfenstein brand. The physics and art style is too fun to be limited by the restrictions of working with someone else's brand.

How else do you want to do perspective shifting platforming?

If there's one game I want to get a new PC for, it's this one. Alas, my bank account is drier than a California riverbed. Can't wait to play it in 2016 :D

"If everyone on Earth disappeared, 441 nuclear plants, several with multiple reactors, would briefly run on autopilot until, one by one, they overheated."

I too was presently surprised. Can't wait to talk with my RL friends about this.

My current list PC games that I'd recommend (in no particular order).

This would even be more amazing on PC, where without a doubt modders will allow all sorts of interesting camera movements that a documentary would benefit from.