
Did the same with Interstellar. Only watched the teaser and the first trailer. Based on that I was already convinced to watch it. Glad I did, because there were a lot of interesting scenes and concepts that were shown in the other trailers that worked much better when surprised by them on the big screen.

Which was bought primarily by casuals who played nothing but the bundled game.

I can't imagine how Notch feels. His game quickly entered the top 10 of most influential games, popularizing things like roguelikes, voxels, early access and survival gameplay. It also didn't take long to become the next Mario to kids (both as a game and a source of merchandise). And all he wanted to do in the

It's because they rely on GIFs. They should switch to a HTML5 format like many of the user animations on sites like Reddit. Those are a fraction of the size, so can be much higher quality.

Do you use a lot of customer support? I have dozens of games on a handful of digital stores and only needed customer support once, for a free game I got on Origin.

Always tried to do that, but never managed to. Glad to hear it's not impossible.

Ah Big City Map or whatever it was called. One of the largest Gmod maps. Great for testing out bomb mods, Iron Man suits, Spider-Man slinging mods. Great times.

My bad. After a second look I did find the other publishers. Their own stuff is so front and center that it's not immediately apparent from a single glance. Looks like they are trying to compete with Steam on its own level then.

Please explain why. A single 'wrong' doesn't help me understand your point at all.

Kerbal Space Program. Aside from vacations I've played it at least one time a week for the last two years.

Uplay and Origin aren't full-on competitors to Steam, since they offer a single publisher catalog and are increasingly limiting their games to their services. To be true competitors there needs to be overlap in what they sell.

QUOTE | "It's the software that matters. That's it. There's nothing else that's going to convince you to play other than how good it is." - Fireproof Games' Barry Meade, talking about mobile game The Room's success and how they never spent a cent on PR or marketing.

Mine is like an inversion of yours in terms of upload/download. Weird.

60 FPS is only needed/only looks good when you're in control. 30 FPS is great and will be great when you're watching something non-interactive (like a Let's Play). While it will help the Average Joe understand the difference between 30 and 60 FPS I doubt it will make him cry out for all games being 60 FPS, as in the

The market leader is always slower with the innovations, that's why. Origin and GOG have to try and stand out, because they have a far smaller offering of games than Steam. That's why they have things Steam doesn't. Ideally that wouldn't be the case and they'd all work equally well, but that's just how these things

QUOTE | "We've got a 10-year head start or even a 20-year head start. We're not like young pups out of the garage." - Telltale CEO Dan Connors, explaining why Telltale's emotional storytelling games have been successful.

Take more note of successful Early Access simulator/strategy games such Kerbal Space Program, Rimworld, Prison Architect and such. It has a type of community that is so dedicated and so dedicated that it puts many other games to shame and it as a result it has some newsworthy stories. I'm mostly into Kerbal Space

Yaaay! Defiance has always been a lot of fun and season only improved in that regard. It's never earth-shattering, but it has great characters and their interplay is awesome at times.

Hard drive? Do you have a early model of the 360 or something? That's the only recent console I can remember that had no hard drive.

QUOTE | "We're fighting the good fight with premium and treating the customer with respect. Meanwhile, our little go-kart is being passed by Ferraris." - Camouflaj founder Ryan Payton, talking about his episodic mobile game Republique.