
Rover looks quite cool. Even if he might not be the best actor, he's actively trying to get away from his romantic roles à la Twilight. A lot of actors would just be content doing the same type of movie over and over his success, but he's really trying to go in different directions. I can respect him for that.

Good comedies. There's a real benefit from watching a fun comedy film with a theater full of people. Hearing an audience roar with laughter really amplifies the experience.

I didn't have the option to see it in theaters, but I knew that it was a very non-TV kind of experience. So I sat close to my computer screen to get the big screen experience, put on headphones for the surround sound and watched it without a girlfriend that wants to rewind every-time she doesn't hear something in a

I don't think the title makes that much of a difference. Something like Minority Report is just as nebulous. I think the main issue was the way they marketed the film. The trailers and posters were a bit heavy on the action, even though the action in the movie is not even the main focus. Had they gone full sci-fi

You know you're evil, when other terrorist organizations denounce you as 'going to far.'

The amount of resources in asteroids and other relatively easily accessible celestial objects is tantamount to infinite, compared to Earth so I see so reason to expect more conflict than found during the gold rushes of the 19th century.

I see piracy numbers more as popularity numbers than anything else, so seeing a bunch of indie games such as Among the Sleep and Xenonauts among them makes me happy. It's not just AAA anymore. I know that some of that is attributed to people wanting to try something out à la a demo, but I also know that some of that

Too bad it's been removed. What's the gist of the scene?

Just watched Bill & Ted with a mate of mine for the first time today. It really felt like an 80s movie recorded in a later era. It was most bodacious.

This is such an American issue. I get why you have low driving ages (big distances, lots of money for middle class familiy kids, thus cars). Unsupervised driving is at least 18 in most countries (at which point you're a teen in name only). I like how diverse our world is. that I can absolutely not comprehend a problem

While we all know him as hard-as-nails Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead, before landing that role most people would've known him for his role in the British romcom Love Actually, playing quite the sappy part. He got rid of the British accent and the puppy dog eyes and replaced it with quite a convincing Southern

The issue with those sections of the game for me were less the fancifulness elements and more the fact that they were so linear. This looks to be far more open, which is a big plus for me.

Reminds me of that downer O'Brien strip.

The maneuver is done with an unmanned vehicle in mind. For purposes of docking to the ISS such a thruster wouldn't fire with such force.

Just watched it. Was pleasantly surprised by how not completely crappy it was compared to what I had heard. The movie would've been better without the fluid zombie hordes for sure, but the movie had some solid moments outside of that which I did not expect after reading the response to it. It felt like a movie that

They say it was Hudson and Marc Walters. Who knows if that's true though?

I know you, you're Alt-Reality on Deviantart. You've made some of my favorite alternate history maps of all time. You managed to split up the North American continent in so many interesting ways. I noticed you stopped posting there for a while, but I'm happy to see you've recently uploaded some new stuff. Awesome!

I just find it weird when they do a biopic of someone who's still alive.

GTA only has fake satirical ads for which they definitely not get money.

Well-written article.