
We need an English-speaking version of this, just so I can hear someone say 'lecherous fogey' angrily.

Why would public domain be unfair in any of these cases? Mozart was born before the concept of that existed. So if he died destitute because people didn't pay him enough for his wonderful work, then that's a fault of the 18th century society he lived in not the later introduced copyright system. Tolkien's works sold

Reminds me of falls I've had in dreams, especially the hanging in the air feeling caused by the slowmo.

I'm not a big fan of copyright estates. Generally, for every action they make that protects their ancestor's legacy there is one that's just a nice cash grab for them. The Tolkien Estate shut down a non-for-profit mod for Morrowind that made a very truthful recreation of Middle-Earth but allows commercial games that

This article looks terribly familiar, but it's not mentioned as being released previously.

Hola Better Internet: websites from the US, UK, etc. will feed me a localised ad that lasts 30 seconds and then tell me I can't view the actual video because I'm not in the right country? This fixes that bullshit and makes me watch things on their sites instead of The Pirate Bay.

One thing is for sure: it could've been flying there. Ukraine announced there were bringing the old things out of storage for use in the war.

I love how the first Star Wars was such a perfect blend of 70s fantasy and science fiction. Wizards, magic, sword fights and princesses on one side and plastic-looking suits, white spaceship interiors (Tantive IV) and technobabble like parsecs on other side.

It was not a good movie (too many storylines), but I found it quite entertaining which makes not the worst recent superhero movie for me. Something like Captain America was much worse, because it just got boring after a while.

Control-wise it can't be anything but terrible but the graphical quality isn't half-bad.

Awesome story. When we were in Florida, I would've been able to watch a Shuttle launch from our hotel in nearby Titusville, if not for the fact that the entire family forgot to wake up in the morning to see it. What I'd do to go back and set an alarm clock for young me.

Neil Hall's Twitter:

A beautiful installation. It's hard to believe it's already been a century ago. Being such a focal point of 20th century (after WWII and the Cold War) it feels much less ancient. I'm glad Europe has come so far after those two devastating wars. I mean France and Germany are now more often partners than not, for pete's

That third round is like the Viper vs. the Mountain.

Kerbal Space Program (but that would be the case every month). Also been playing some Hotline: Miami lately. Still as great as ever.

People should read this first before writing their comment.

This whole drone invasion thing is just a storm in a teacup. Its already really easy to creep/spy on someone using everything from a pair of binoculars to hacking an e-mail account. Yet videos like make it appear that before there was nothing, but with drones there's suddenly a swarm of privacy-invading cameras

Maybe not all time greatest moment, but this one was my latest big "F*@% Yeah" moment:

The search for the first non-Earth life could end on Europa. Then the search for MORE non-Earth life begins.

There it is. Was expected at least one of these.