
Reminds me of falls I've had in dreams, especially the hanging in the air feeling caused by the slowmo.

Control-wise it can't be anything but terrible but the graphical quality isn't half-bad.

That third round is like the Viper vs. the Mountain.

Kerbal Space Program (but that would be the case every month). Also been playing some Hotline: Miami lately. Still as great as ever.

What other fictional universes would be a good fit for CKII's "strategy vs backstabbing politics"?

What was the movie they wanted to watch?

Well in a way I agree with Sneaky Bastards that pure stealth games are rare. Dishonored plays with the ghost/non-lethal tropes, but still uses them. Hiding behind the disguise you are still a ghost, just in a different way. And a non-lethal solution/hidden killing is still the easiest end to get to the exit after

Honestly, the previous movies would've been fine had they been 120 minute movies. Jackson is just too hung up on his previous work, causing him to keep aiming for the three hour mark. I wonder what fan editors can do with all this footage (things like the Elf-Dwarf love story are so tacked on they can be removed

The pre-movies canon is pretty safe. Disney has no reason to tamper with things like KOTOR, since it doesn't influence the story they can tell for episodes 7+.

I always wanted something like this. My main two gripes with Pokemon are that its basic gameplay is far too easy and that your Pokemon rarely feel unique/special. The permadeath goes a long way to fix that the first problem, but I with this game see no solution to the second which is a shame. One solution would be to

It was made using a terrain generator, so maybe a few hours worth of work.

Some stats from the indie part of the survey. My thoughts in italics.

I always found it to be such a shame that they didn't do all cutscenes in-game. Immediately pulled you out of the game. The video was too dark and the enhanced lighting just looked wrong on the models they used in-game as well.

Too bad they didn't do custom skins.

Which game if I might ask?

Nintendo loves that people do this, as it has no doubt lead to many a sale (hello sales lady, Timmy wants a Nintendo) but as others have said they have to keep appearances if they don't want to be a generic trademark and go the way of Aspirin.

It wasn't always a video game company. Since it went public in 1962, it has not only dabbled in video games but also in physical games, the taxi business, love hotels, TV and most importantly instant rice. This guy above might've put all of his hard-earned 1960s money into the promise of instant rice only to see his

I noticed that many of my favorite games that I played in the first half of 2014 were released in 2013. I played them because I didn't have time before, didn't get into them until this year or they had some good patches/upgrades. And I don't think I'm alone in this. There has been a massive shift in game consumption,

No wonder. GOG should've done a big sale a week early or something. Also Steam has a bit of a game to it with the teams, badge crafting, cards, etc. That draws attention.

The irony here is that aside from Serious Sam 3, Devolver Digital has never published a 60 dollar game. 40 dollars max for its larger titles and much less for its niche indie offerings.