
The irony here is that aside from Serious Sam 3, Devolver Digital has never published a 60 dollar game. 40 dollars max for its larger titles and much less for its niche indie offerings.

I wonder how this will influence the 30 vs. 60 debate, seeing as the advantage of developers was that a large segment of their audience would never see much 60 fps footage as YouTube is such a dominant force.

The conspiracy theory that the rigged system is to offset losses from the sales is just asinine. The sales have been shown to increase money spent on Steam, which means more money for Valve. There doesn't need to be any compensation.

I won't pass judgement on any side here, but I want to take a moment to say that I love how Minecraft has basically created a whole industry of its own. There's Mojang who've made hundreds of millions off the base game. Then there's all the servers, creation sites, fan sites, LPers. Not to mention all those other

I love it when a theme song is used in the show itself, especially when it's an awesome alternate rendition like this.

Among the things that the modder has switched on are performance improvements, so that doesn't really fly. Also the extra stuff could just be another setting.

Watched the video and could not agree more.

The shadows and grid really help make the game look cute instead of ancient.

The responses I'm reading to a game that's going to be costing $500 million are kind of worrying.

That would indeed be cool. Although there's still a lot too do within the framework of the military. The classes for one could more heavily influence gameplay outside of combat. Being a biotic would change how people approach you, how you deal with threats in cutscenes (use a power to threaten someone instead of a

What? It says so right in the trailer?

I think greatness doesn't need to always lie in a fresh universe, but can also lie in a mature universe. By continuing the ME universe, BioWare can do things that wouldn't be possible if they started something else.

There seem to be quite a lot of differences with the original ME. The world is more open this time around and combat is handled very differently. Both require DICE to rethink everything they knew about how to setup a ME level. Also every game at one stage or another starts out as a concept like this. It's easier to

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And who thinks about John Cena that much?*

I read that this video doesn't change the texture settings. That would have a huge impact on how it looks and how easily your PC can handle it.

What's the sequel at the start of season seven?

For the first time my PC's specs have prevented me from playing games I want to play. Normally I can get around by putting everything on low. Sadly Watch Dogs needs a 64-bit I don't have and Tropico 5 needs a more modern Nvidia card for it to work. If only I had some money.

I can never get into racism debates. As a white, male, atheist I am the perfect majority person in my country. It's hard to imagine how people would feel upon seeing something like this, simply because I have nothing to go on.

Its an interesting find, but nothing more. Ken Levine has disproved the connection, so there's nothing more to this story. Creepy girls are a horror trope and if you combine an underwater realm with 50s style, arriving at an old-timey diving suit is not a stretch.

At what point then would this engine no longer be considered the Doom II engine, but something else entirely. There is no doubt still some scrap of code left in the Source Engine that is straight from the original Quake Engine that GoldSrc was based on. Yet we see it as its own thing.