
Watched the video and could not agree more.

It guessed correctly that I was Dutch, but it does think I speak Black Vernacular, Australian and New Zealandish in that order.

I don't think we can get a global government while we're alone in the universe. States have formed and survived because of the existence of the Other. Without Martian colonists or alien invaders, we can't get a global Other.

I feel Defiance is a bit of this. It's not afraid to go back to the space opera hallmark of 'forehead' aliens and it doesn't always take itself too seriously.

That was a really weird subplot.

The shadows and grid really help make the game look cute instead of ancient.

The responses I'm reading to a game that's going to be costing $500 million are kind of worrying.

That would indeed be cool. Although there's still a lot too do within the framework of the military. The classes for one could more heavily influence gameplay outside of combat. Being a biotic would change how people approach you, how you deal with threats in cutscenes (use a power to threaten someone instead of a

What? It says so right in the trailer?

I think greatness doesn't need to always lie in a fresh universe, but can also lie in a mature universe. By continuing the ME universe, BioWare can do things that wouldn't be possible if they started something else.

Great episode, although not as strong as the previous two. Annoyed by the fact that they played the sounds of jet engine and then mention its a Saturn V.

There seem to be quite a lot of differences with the original ME. The world is more open this time around and combat is handled very differently. Both require DICE to rethink everything they knew about how to setup a ME level. Also every game at one stage or another starts out as a concept like this. It's easier to

No, they spent 3 million on a complete review of the entire space agency. This was one of the conclusions. NASA has almost twenty-thousands employees spread over dozens of sites spread across the country. Connecting all those dots costs a lot of time and thus money.

I knew I recognized this suit's name. The Mark 1 Exosuit was central to the part of World War Z that talked about the underwater side of the war.

Looking back, Oberyn's character was predestined for this. He was a cool character, but he had only two driving forces: freaky sex and revenging his sister. He would've had little to do in the post-fight world.

In a way it makes his death was written in the stars. He was a cool character, but a rather flat one. His two things were fucking whoever crossed his path and getting revenge for his sister. He didn't have a role post-fight. Should've seen it coming miles away.

This was phallic. Really needs a cheesy 70s porn soundtrack.

Now playing

And who thinks about John Cena that much?*

Since everyone hated Andrea it was clear she was going to be killed. They should've made it gruesome. It worked for Joffrey.

For those interested, the picture is of the Dutch Fort Bourtange.