
After about 5-10 minutes I was already annoyed enough by Megan Fox to make me turn off the movie.

While the Red Wedding kicked things into higher gear, ever since the end of S1 I knew that GoT would kill of characters you thought would live forever and that antagonists were just were just as much main characters as the protagonists.

I read that this video doesn't change the texture settings. That would have a huge impact on how it looks and how easily your PC can handle it.

What's the sequel at the start of season seven?

For the first time my PC's specs have prevented me from playing games I want to play. Normally I can get around by putting everything on low. Sadly Watch Dogs needs a 64-bit I don't have and Tropico 5 needs a more modern Nvidia card for it to work. If only I had some money.

YouTube requiring a Google+ for accounts is going away. Looks like they saw the error of their ways and realized that nothing could save G+.

I can never get into racism debates. As a white, male, atheist I am the perfect majority person in my country. It's hard to imagine how people would feel upon seeing something like this, simply because I have nothing to go on.

I just love looking at the Moon. It's our faithful companion in the sky, that helps remind me that we can do great things when we put our minds to it.

Hollywood likes it blockbusters to be at the very least evenly balanced between foreign and domestic I think. North America is a more uniformly fertile market for follow-up sales (home video, merchandise, etc.) than the rest of the world (which has both very rich regions like Europe and dirt poor ones like Africa or

Its an interesting find, but nothing more. Ken Levine has disproved the connection, so there's nothing more to this story. Creepy girls are a horror trope and if you combine an underwater realm with 50s style, arriving at an old-timey diving suit is not a stretch.

If it's in the game, it's in the game? What a weird slogan. Then again, it's in the game is quite weird too.

Back in the early 2000s I had to do a high school project for computer class. Didn't know about Google, so I used some, by now forgotten Dutch search engine. There were problems with saving the stuff (floppy disks), so I got to do it again. I had learned about Google by then. Using the info from tha topic I got a

In the song Hurt by Christina Aguillera, I keep hearing: 'Oh, I'm sorry for filet mignon' instead of 'Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you'. Looks impossible when you write it down, but not so when it plays.

In terms of aviation, the 30s and 40s are so interesting. The Germans, Japanese, Soviets, American, British, etc. all tried out so many crazy airplane designs. Especially asymmetric aircraft, which never look normal and always look awesome.

If it has worth, it'd be worth the trouble. The Spanish crossed the Atlantic for gold and silver and the Portuguese went East to the the orient for spices.

Operators can read the code. They're at the very least able to see an Agent next to Cypher.

The Animatrix shows that the humans did this. Somewhere in the 21st century robots became sentient and started their own civilization. They became much more successful than humans, who started feeling threatened. The humans made a pre-emptive strike, but it failed and war erupted. Humanity was losing left and right,

At what point then would this engine no longer be considered the Doom II engine, but something else entirely. There is no doubt still some scrap of code left in the Source Engine that is straight from the original Quake Engine that GoldSrc was based on. Yet we see it as its own thing.

Yaay! I can handle it, in all its glory.

I think this might have been my favorite Cosmos so far. The right mix between history and future, CGI and animation. It allowed me to dream, which is something few shows let me do.