
It looks like the Terminals have had a lot of experience with corralling people like that. All the doors closed at the right time and such. I think there wasn't a single viable escape route for Rick's pack. Those guys were professional cannibals.

Looks like it. The candle-lit room they run through at one point looked like they made a ritual out of it too, so they might also have some weird satanism thing going on.

It has a Indiana Jones kind of vibe, with some interesting puzzles and not too shabby gunplay.

Deadfall Adventures is a recent game that's neither indie nor AAA. Enjoyable but flawed.

True, although to a point. The water pumpers are no longer needed but the steam pump did allow mines to be drained more efficiently, which allows for more deeper mines which either requires more miners or more jobs in the industries the processed all that extra ore that the more efficient mines brought into the

Just finished it. I really enjoyed it. Episode 1 was good, but Episode 2 was just great. At times it made me feel like when I played Infinite for the first time. Definitely one of the best DLC I've played so far. Big improvement in gameplay. BioShock has always shined brightest when it was about exploration and I felt

The thing to take away from this is that automation doesn't mean that the machine takes over the task completely, which some seem to think according to their remarks. The windmill automated the task of grounding grain to flour, but it still requires people to work the windmill. The steam pump automated draining water

So much so that the act of 'Growing the Beard' is now the term for when a TV show hits it's stride.

AC3 as well. Not as big as AC4, but the popularity of it lead to it becoming a main thing in AC4. So maybe staple is a bit over the top, but it's been an element that's been on the rise.

Comedies are the easiest to rewatch. I'll also occasionally watch one of the exception Star Trek episodes whenever I feel the need. Serial dramas not so much. Only one in recent years has been The Walking Dead I think. Rewatched Season 1 and 2 in anticipation of #3. Season 2 isn't that bad when you get to watch in

Why the hell would those people want to vote on something like this? That's probably the demographic least concerned with spaceflight. This is an article that's going to be mostly showing up on tech sites and that's the one's who will vote.

A movie poster on the side of a bus stop or something that just the slightest bit of animation ever so often would be a great way to get people's attention. 'Is that moving? Let's look at it for a moment.' Boom, the movie just got in the viewer's head.

Looking forward to:

It's only for the test I think. The follow-up spacecraft would no doubt land on a runway. The reason for a plane-like design can only be to have it be able to land where you want it to. Otherwise a simple Apollo-like capsule is far easier, if somewhere in the ocean is good enough.

I think the worst part of all the secrecy was that it served no purpose. All the Trekkies knew it was going to be Khan. There was nothing to be gained from the reveal. Only a good, novel approach to Khan would've wowed them. And for the rest of the audience the reveal obviously makes no sense at all, because they have

He was already a prominent Starfleet character in the first movie of the reboot series. Hard to work around that.

I wonder how, if at all, they will handle naval combat. It has become quite the staple of AC games in recent iterations.

If 100 people leaving gives the rest a month extra life support, that means there's not a lot of people to begin with. Meaning that nearly every teen seems to be in that group of 'criminals'. Meaning that they sent the most fertile (and for humanity thus the most important) group down to a planet deemed not safe

You got an emulated version of Ep 1: Racer to work? What program are you using, because I can never get that thing to function without massive graphical glitches.

Didn't think of it at the time, but I can't see it any other way now though. The railroad helps though. That's been in every episode I think.