
I like how TWD 4.5 has been using themes to structure each episode. Allows there to be a focus without having to dangle a big bad in front of us and it's much better to character-based storytelling this way.

Any heard of anthropocene until now.

Hard to read someone's intentions with only text :D

I think after more than two years the statute of limitations on spoilers has passed :D

Because so many people played the [Google Pac-Man] game at work, it's estimated a loss of productivity cost the economy over $120 million.

Only seven episodes and Rick's voice is already ingrained in my head, much like the Professor did on Futurama. That's a good sign.

Well a phone screen is a different material than this touchpad is going to be, so who knows? It might work for you, or it might not. At least the good old gamepad is always available.

More people have seen the film, than read the book? I think in general the audience that watches sci-fi movies is larger than those that read sci-fi books.

It uses haptic feedback, which uses minute rumbling to make a surface like that feel like it has texture. It won't feel like a laptop trackpad.

I can see it eventually being used for automated cargo transportation that isn't time sensitive, but for manned spacetravel this is probably not going to be fast enough.

Fans are not integral to the success of one movie, but they are to the franchise. Without fans, Star Trek wouldn't have returned in 1979 with a string of movies. If Star Wars hadn't grabbed enough fans in the 70s and 80s, it wouldn't be as viable in 1999 as it has been.

At the very least it's science fiction that uses a lot of fantasy tropes. Knights, magical powers, swords, dames-in-distress, the battle between good and evil, etc. are all at the forefront of Star Wars. It relies on it far more than most space opera. Although there's a marked difference between the Original Trilogy

I think the reason Into Darkness gets so much flak from the core fandom is the whole circus before it. Those people that followed its development and saw the dozens of articles of Abrams saying it wasn't Khan, all the comments of actors hinting at characters other than Khan, etc. Only to have it be clear from minute

Seinfeld's tune reminds me very much of SimCity 2000/3000s music. A bit jazzy, a bit weird, etc.

Stopped watching in the sixth season. A year or so later I watched the ones I had missed and started watching it weekly again. Some episodes made me want to stop again, but at this point I need to see this through. Although the last few episodes have a pleasant surprise.

It was amazing. Being a space nut I knew half of the info in the episode. Yet the way it was presented and the enthusiasm of DeGrasse Tyson and the people working on it backstage kept me enthralled for the entire hour.

While the idea is fascinating, the evidence is pretty flimsy. Luckily for the Soviet cosmonaut corps.

Don't remember seeing it, but I guess from now on I'll always will.

It is. If it's the one Eric means, remains to be seen.