
All they've done so far is spend a lot of money on lawyers in exchange for a lot of media attention for TPB and thus more piracy users (especially TV/movies). The money would've been better spent coming with more alternatives akin to Steam, Netflix and iTunes, which actually bring in more customers.

That was a really good animation. At times I was doubting it wasn't real.

This needs to be a game. Buy up Avalanche Studios (JC2), Volition (Saints Row) and Ubisoft Montreal (Blood Dragon) and have them work together on this.

It should be the pattern of an actual sweater.

They have a really weird way of determining the most popular one. How does Homeland, with its 2.5 million viewers (and as of yet indeterminable legacy), win over NCIS, JAG or The Waltons?

UFOlogist and paranormal researcher

That we can agree on. Although I wouldn't mind if they got some more money and knocked it up a notch. There's still planets out there that we've only visited once, for pete's sake.

To the uneducated mind, this list means nothing. The masses only care about firsts, preferably manned firsts. This explains the fury at the Soviet Union's early successes, the euphoria of the early lunar landings and the subsequent cooling after it had become 'commonplace'.

The reasons I imagine:

I've looked at all the personal top 10s from the Kotaku staff and spotted these games popping up more than once:

If all people will leave YouTube, then the new #1 video sharing website will go down the same path. If there was no pressure at all from copyright holders, YouTube wouldn't even have ContentID. It's a bit like The Pirate Bay. There are thousands of other torrent sites. But which one is never more than a week away from

Super Smash Kart.

Most lists just regurgitate the same 10 big ones, so it was nice to see some new stuff in here.

You should've brought out the EULA sooner. Many are written to technically disallow modding, so that when the day comes the ban hammer can come down mercilessly. JC2s EULA is really progressive in that regard.

The adage 'keep it simple stupid' was never more appropriate.

Well the ARMA modder was one of the devs, so that's an advantage. What I'm trying to say is that Avalanche could've said "We don't want your mod on Steam/in the public." That would've probably been the end of it. Lots of franchises have been blocked like, such as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings mods. Luckily Avalanche

It does come across as French.

Crushing castles actually. Also there are some gameplay differences that really change up how the game plays. Still doesn't make Angry Birds the game that had the idea first, but it's not a real copy (such as the original Giana Sisters or some of those Chinese knock-off games).

I was not trying to say that Avalanche had anything to do with the development. As the article states, Avalance gave the mod its blessing early in development. With a few exceptions, EULA's are always written to potentially disallow projects like this. They could've sent a Cease and Desist before the mod team even

Here in the Netherlands it's become sort of a tradition for at least one channel to air the Lord of the Rings trilogy during the Christmas season. Has LotR become a Christmas tradition for channels in other countries as well?