
What's evil about the hug thing? If it can bring even half the awesomeness of my SOs hug, while we're separated by thousands of kilometers than it'd make that a lot easier.

Dear Kotakuans, what's do you consider the video game character that influenced gaming the most, for better and worst, in 2013?

This is good news for preservation. When all the 360s have RRODed than the people of the future will at least have the ability to see a bit of what Halo 4 was through a PC emulator.

Well now I will just have to see this.

Are there less console exclusives these days? I can play or will be able to play most of these games on my PC.

And it's also a great RPG too. Characters are just portraits, a name and some stats, yet they can be loved or (mostly) hated as much as any Game of Thrones character can. Damn it Queen Mother, I want my throne back!

Crusader Kings II needs to be on this list.

The ending to The Walking Dead. Just balled my eyes out. I really felt like a father figure to Clementine. The final moments with Thane in ME3 were also heartbreaking.

The skin for one of the Assassin's's Creed protagonists? Don't know which one; haven't played much of the series?

This move only helps get them more paying customers. It's a game I hadn't heard about before, which through this stunt got my attention. The torrent would've been there either way. Now more people know of it. Even if no pirate that tries it out buys it after they find out they like it (unlikely), they've at least

A villain as in an individual villain. The Borg are so interchangeable that they come across as single individual and Khan actually is one. The Klingons and Romulans are much more diverse, sometimes being enemies and sometimes allies. They're bankable alien species, but to the public they don't necessarily scream

They should've marketed it. STID was intended to pull a 'Dark Knight': darker tones and introducing the arch nemesis. They marketed the darker side of the movie but completely drowned the arch nemesis bit in this ridiculous rumor game they played. Khan is no Darth Vader or Joker to most people, but after the Borg he's

I accidentally saw the title of this article (damn my ritual of clicking all the bookmarks in the toolbar whenever I go on the internet) and felt the episode would be ruined. I mean the term 'Red Wedding' is pretty much TV jargon by now. But in the end it might made the episode more tense, because I expected everyone

Not practical for Earth, but I could see it working on a smaller scale on the Moon.

Now playing

This machinima (made with Kerbal Space Program, the awesome space game, and post-processing) uses it to great effect as well.

Aside from the Kinect, I have no idea.

"An oaky flavor that just rolls right off the nose. I just love a '68 Savile Row."

I hear he's going to team up with Tommy Lee Jones and Pierce Brosnan.

Even if it wasn't planned by Churchill and was just a bungled mistake, the raid showed the Allies what not to do when invading France. The lessons learned there became the handbook for Operation Overlord. If D-Day had been the training ground for the Allies, we would've seen a lot more than the 3,500 killed, wounded

Glad I clicked this. For some reason I found this quite amusing.