
Let's say King opens up with 500,000 shares worth in total 5 billion, which means 10 dollars per share. If the stock, like Zynga, goes down there's still 500,000 but they're worth less, maybe 5 dollars per share. If you sell them then, you've lost money. Unless the stock price goes higher than what you've paid for

Your story of the final San Andreas mission is just the same as mine. Got as far on my first playthrough, got to the final part failed at it a few times and then let it be. Only finished that level two years or so ago.

The only one I ever attempted to complete was San Andreas. Got to like 75% before I got bored.

Cannot get into Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. Don't like the humor or the art style.

STAT | $5 billion—Value of Candy Crush developer King based on its upcoming IPO; by comparison, Zynga has a value of $2.9 billion and Nintendo a value of $14.7 billion.

It's important to let go of the notion that while the buttons be called ABXY doesn't mean that they'll be used the same way as the ABXY controls on other gamepads. There are two extra shoulder buttons that can be used for actions that need to be done without taking your hands off the trackpads. The ABXY buttons on the

The controller has two more buttons on the back. So those can take over the actions that need to happen while using the trackpads. The ABXY can then be used for less urgent actions. Just take a look at the Portal 2 bindings. Urgent stuff on the shoulder buttons/triggers and less urgent stuff on ABXY.

The fuel supply for RTGs (by product of weapons-grade radioactive stuff) is running out. It's all spoken for already. First that production line would need to be restarted.

On the other hand we wouldn't have had BSG the way it turned out. That had some great stuff.

Wasn't too impressed by last year's superhero movies. They were all fun, but not the best that the genre has offered.

Let's be honest though, if the Pokemon Anime had the same arc as a human player playing Pokemon Red, Ash would be roflstomping everyone by the time he reaches Cerulean City.

It talks about attacks by armed groups, like the Nairobi attack, not lone wolfs like Newtown. The terrorists in Nairobi have been training (or fighting) for years. They used military tactics, knew their weapons better than their mother, they infiltrated and scouted the place thoroughly, etc. There's a reason the


Gonna add you. Your animated profile icon makes you so noticeable on Kotaku. Feels right that you should pop up when I open Steam as well :D

It makes the Original Trilogy very interesting, in a way. These movies are all so different. A New Hope is space fantasy (Jedis as wizards, the force as magic, black-and-white morality, etc.). The Empire Strikes Back is much more mature about it, with gray morality (like Lando), romantic entanglements, etc. Return of

Then why did they say the fix worked. Did it just stabilize the last frame or something?

While there was some fun to be had in reading troll comments, I'm glad they're implementing this. There was no possibility of discussion and hardly any decent comments were visible in the torrent of bullshit. Content creators can now ask for suggestions, etc. in the comments (as they often do) and actually get to read

L.A. Noire is a perfect example of a game in which walking feels appropriate and is implemented well. You look for clues, or you or your partner is talking about something.

Hope it's non-standard The CW fare. Not a fan of pretty young people TV.

I read NSA instead of NASA. Would've been a weird argument.