
I think Steambox/SteamOS has the best chance of making a splash in the console market of all the recent attempts. The big problem for a console has always a lack of (good) games. Valve doesn't have that problem as it potentially has the entire Steam library to offer.

I think it touched me (long time ago since I watched it), but Up hit me in soft spot much more if we're talking Pixar films.

As a PC gamer the only games on a console that I one day really want to play are on the PS3. The Last of Us, Uncharted and Red Dead Redemption. Couldn't give one shit about the rest.

The moment I saw it at the NASM (one of the high-points of my visit to DC) I immediately fell in love with the design. Reminded me of Crimson Skies.

Does Matthew Fox actually have an actual role to speak of?

I've been thinking about and I think the main problem of both SimCity 4 and 5 is that you can't randomly create (regional) terrain. The great thing about SC2000 was that you started it up, had the game create a random city terrain and you then created your game around it. In SC4 you had a few set up regions and if you

Randomly skipping around the video I only found two in-game moments. The rest was just menus.

I just want the regular male Rick Grimes to dress as. I already have the grizzled, bearded, just got out of the hospital look going on.

Could definately need some more exposure. The $800 million is without a doubt the record. Black Ops II made that amount, globally, in about 5 days. The $500 million number for BO2 is US only, but even then if 5 days means $800 million, GTA V is at least $100-200 million above it when talking globally.

It's a double-edged sword. On the one hand it can make murdering seem trivial, on the other hand it creates the most profound enemies in media. The Airport level in Modern Warfare 2 for example allows you to commit terrorist atrocities, but at the same time invokes such a feeling of disgust, that you (subconsciously)

First of all it's already happened with GTA and second it always happens with any type of big new game type. FPSes were first called Doom clones, Saints Row and other sandbox clones were called GTA clones, anything featuring voxel graphics were called Minecraft clones, etc. GTA already had this phase with games like

I mean the one on Dagoba. The one in the cave. It had a weird kind of slow-mo effect. More dreamlike than slow-mo like The Matrix or 300. That weird effect freaked me out.

It doesn't fit the criteria completely, but I found the slow-mo fight between Luke and Darth Vader/Luke in Empire Strikes Back always so jarring. Really Fs up the flow of that part of the movie in my opinion.

I was surprised Google only has a 70% market share in non-mobile searches. Here in the Netherlands (Europe), I don't know anyone who doesn't use Google on their desktop or laptop.

Infectonator is also out on iOS.

I think my biggest gripe with STID was the lack of anything really new. ST09 had Vulcan being blown up, a new (although 2D villain) and the Starfleet Academy/cadet perspective. STID drummed up Section 31, an evil Admiral, Kirk-Spock's ever-lasting friendship (that sprang up from nowhere), Carol Marcus, Khan and a

Very trippy. I like it.

Don't you mean that we'll 'tar up'?

Forgotten Hope 2 for Battlefield 2

JC2 was mentioned because it added 1000 player MP. That's the crazy kind of game-changing mod that needs to be on this list.