
I've gotten hooked on FilmmakerIQ lately.

This is just to get people to pre-order. Don't worry, you'll be able to get all the bonuses as DLC after the game's release. Maybe not immediately, but that's why they're pre-order bonuses.

How does it work for non-first person games?

Reminds me of B-Hunter. Could never get the hang of it, but I loved the Bladerunner/Fifth Element hovercars.

Having not seen Jaime without a beard since early season 2, I was for a moment asking myself who this was. Looks so different, at least in this shot.

If John Wayne was still alive in the 80s and had been president, you just know he would've built this. The man's not going to pass up on Space Station PILGRIM.

That was one bad animation. I know it's about the real thing, but the lack of textures, cars suddenly dissappearing and the lack of an embarkation animation just irks me.

Looks like Dr. Who.

I only ever see videos of these battles with an FPS of about 10 or less. Is that due to the video recording, or is everyone in that battle watching that slideshow?

I've been seeing this article as being the most read a couple of times now, even though it's more than a year old. New readers, where are you coming from?

Coverage of this fight will drag on for some time. While it's noteworthy on it's own, it's the bottom of slow news season so something like this will be covered until it's run dry. Can't blame any of the journalists/bloggers for doing so - one has to offer content on a site - but regardless, brace yourself: it's Fez

Any job is basically: listen to the ones with constructive criticism, ignore the trolls.

And I'm just thinking there's a guy called Marcus Beer.

Thank the notifications :D. Would've never seen this otherwise.

The Antarctica Treaty of '61: "The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;"

I'm glad you took the time to respond to a nearly one and a half year old post. Will check out For All Mankind.

I don't care for the anthropomorphic rabbit theme, but I do love that swordplay. Combine that with the mounted combat from Mount & Blade and you've found the ultimate game for me.

This looks really great. Can't imagine how much work this must be.

When this technology has matured, it's the right time for a BioShock remake.

Hit and miss. The 3D stuff was really well done and had it's own 'thing' going on, but the 2d sprites and the pixelated intertitles just didn't mesh with it. Still kudos for the work. I would've been happy enough with just the title screen, but the guy went all the way and did everything.