
And now I'm subscribed to AsapScience. I've seriously been hooked on educational/thought-provoking YouTube channels. Crash Course, CCPGrey, Extra Credits, etc.

I was talking in general. If NASA doesn't have the budget to go to Mars, no-one else will either. Thus the Near Earth Asteroid proposal.

Well it was a success in that they got SimCity 4 to sell like hotcakes.

Saw some of it. Was definitely impressed, although the fine points are blurred by time. Should watch it again soon. Thanks for reminding me.

Yeah, better to have to have a robotic driller full of fuel waiting than just chance it. If Apollo 8 and 11 were 50/50 survival missions, you don't want those odds in orbit around Mars.

Says a lot about HL2 that it's still featured on lists nearly ten years later.

Watched The Matrix lately. Was impressed by how good it was. Keanu seems out of place here, but there he felt perfectly in place even though it was (partially) based on Japanese anime. The sequels are nowhere near as good, but I couldn't put forth any criticism while watching that movie.

47 is like the 42 for Star Trek. There's a conspiracy going on here.

The only recurring dream I've had was ages ago. It features machines, a rural path, a queen and screeching noises. The sound of the subway at the end of Trains, Planes and Automobiles remembered me of it, as did the sound of a screeching newborn some years ago.

Must be one of those digital eagles, who sees everything in pixels.

Sorry for breaking the mold, but I found the opposite to be true of Stargate SG-1. Rewatched after several years and the early episodes at least came across as great and very mature. Something I would enjoy even now.

Read them for the first time this year. Couldn't put them down. I think it's less about age, but more about what you've read/heard/seen in between. If you want a sequel to the original trilogy, you love them. Once you've grown beyond that, it's a whole different ball game.

Wow, that's crazy.

When I read the title I was: 'no way'. By the end of the trailer I'd gotten the chills. It's not a situation you want to be in.

The first image looks almost as if he wants to catapult it into space.

I wouldn't mind being on surface duty on Europa Base.

You should see the earliest designs for the Space Race-era capsules. They had the weirdest shapes. Spheres, off-center cones, anything you could think off really. Because they still had to figure it out. With Apollo they got it right.

Don't think that's possible. He's not wearing his crutches for one. If he did it could be an unfinished shot. He'd have to hop to get there if he was still without a lower leg. So he has to have a prosthesis. Perhaps to allow the character more stuff to do.

No I mean the Japanese High Command.

There's a Game of Thrones video game I guess...