
I think it has to do with games. The Xbox was very much geared to action titles, while the PS2/3 had a lot more RPGs, etc. Its a cultural thing regarding types of games is what I think made the difference. Additionally, as you said, it was a new brand trying to make a splash in a landscape filled with Japanese

Kinect can be turned off if you want it too. You're still paying for it, but then again you're always paying for stuff you don't use. Online possibilities, etc.

The Japanese consoles will with a doubt come ahead. The 360 rules in the US and a few countries outside of it, but Sony/Nintendo had a lot of traction in Japan (the Xbox has none) and Europe. Even without any sales in the US, that's a large market. This change might make the console war more even-footed, but it's not

DRM does more to piss people off than it does to completely stifle piracy. Being nice to your customers, attaching a face to the product these people are pirating, etc. has done more than implementing an expensive system of DRM that's generally going to be cracked in days.

Some zombie headshots assembled into one glorious supercut

Flannan Isles Lighthouse is one of the most memorable lighthouses. Its very isolated and very mysterious to boot. In 1900 the lighthouse keepers mysteriously disappeared. This was covered by an encyclopedia we had back home, which covered all sorts of mysteries. Read this so often when I was a kid.

Made me think of this xckd comic:

Ah, humanity. Always thinking everything was/will be different, but in the end doing the same thing since time immemorial.

I doubt the toy licenses included the movie rights. I think they hadto clear all this with the original copyright holders. Of which I can imagine the majority immediately went: 'Hell Yeah!' You know, because its The Lego Movie.

Andy Dwyer!

I think they are referring to not every building being 1:1 with reality. So you shouldn't expect count houses on this map to find your way IRL. A quick look at Google Maps shows that this map should be sufficient enough to get you to places of interest.

the watch lies unused on my floor

Could be a small store, but maybe it is as you say then. We'll see by launch day how much the negative atmosphere surrounding the One will affect how well it'll do.

Looks straight out Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Wonder what the next ten years will hold when it comes to prosthetics.

Pre-orders are not unlimited for stores and the amounts may not be the same for both consoles. I've heard a couple of stories of the One selling out its 10 available pre-order slots and the PS4 selling 30 of its 40 pre-order slots. Whether these are true or not I don't know, but they give food for thought.

Because not everyone owns both? So if someone got a PS3 today and wanted to figure out what games I absolutely have to get for it, he/she could turn to this list and get an answer. That's what these lists are for.

Would not like to work at the Microsoft/Xbox PR division right now. A majority of people, at least online, seem to be leaning towards a negative view of the console at the moment and I feel its becoming worse and worse. You could easily get away with fake MS info (like a tweet) on Reddit and get quite a lot of people

Almost looks like good-looking PS2 titles.

Excited for this. The most important thing in sci-fi, is a believable world (in either its realism or its ludicrous fantasticness). This trailer built a world for me.

Not a lot of room compared to the modern jumbojets, but it sure looks pretty.