
1. How does Vimeo make money anyway. Never seem to see any ads on the videos.

I did mention universal constants. Mathematics would be indeed be something that could be used to communicate. Could it be used to imbue the subtleties of language, something that has been formed by illogical processes over hundreds of years? I highly doubt that how 'fuck you aliens' can be communicated through

Felt something was off about the way I told it. Krogan have 4 cajones of themselves, but I swear I heard, in ME3 I believe, that some had extra surgically attached to 'increase fertility'. Although that didn't help of course, with the Genophage not being cured by simply adding more balls.

Mass Effect had a great bit of flavor with a mention of the Krogan focus on fertility and the practice of putting as many balls on himself as possible. 'Quads' were the usual term for this collection of Krogranhood.

Except for the US, no-one asks Twitter about people in meaningful numbers.

Improved tactics and technology. German tanks at the start of WW2 would plow through everything, while at the end the Western Allies and the Soviets had found tactics and tank designs that could counter that onslaught. In the first encounter, the Citadel fleet didn't know any of the Reaper's weaknesses/strengths. By

If you're a real hawkeye you can probably benefit a lot off the points on sale, but I can imagine the majority getting annoyed with them because points are more confusing than real currencies (or at least at first), they buy few games and get left over points or they never see any points on sale when they go shopping.

Had to check, but the original is from 2007. Six years is a long time ago for an okay movie.

Well the difference being that PC and mobile games are mostly digital instead of retail and are generally cheaper to get (Steam sales, AppStore's low average price point). Consoles still rely mostly on retail, which has a knack of keeping prices pretty high for a long time. Used games are the main way for console

Since any alien will have language and culture very different from our own, both positive and negative messages will be unintelligible so there's no harm. The only thing they could possibly decode are universal constants. In the end it's less about communication and more about getting their attention.

Never saw Pokemon as anything but a purely singleplayer experience. 'But you can't catch them all!' Ah, who cares. It's only a handful of Pokemon and even as a kid it comes across as something added, so that people would buy the other versions and connector cables.

I think it's an excellent time to reveal this game. While there's a lot of info coming at people this week, there's also more attention by gamers to games news in general. Something so not like the norm as this has a good chance of being noticed.

This looks and sounds like an Arrested Development episode. I fully expect the policeman in the back to suddenly reveal he's Gene Parmesan.

I liked that Rafe (Graham Greene) cheekishly said something along the lines of 'how would I know?', when the question was asked about which Twilight star Robert Pattison was (werewolf/vampire). Since he was in one/several of those movies.

Well there's the Ubisoft DRM, but that debacle is so old compared to the other companies.

If you can afford it all, there is of course no reason not to do as you do. Not everyone has that luxury of course. Personally if I had to pick one I'd go with PC. I love mods, use my computer for a lot of other stuff and the kinds of games I like all work great with mouse + keyboard. Had I been more into sports,

They're not going to tell you until after release, that's how it's always been. R*/T2 just wants you to do as retrohunter says and get it on console (and later on the PC).

The Unabomber, for those who aren't that good with faces.

Are we still arguing over Genesis vs. SNES? While the difference in sales isn't as big as in the two generations after it (PS1 and PS2), SNES does have more units sold. From a pop culture perspective the SNES has also won. I see many more references to the SNES, its controller, its games, etc. than the Genesis.

While it's not very complex math, I thought I'd do it for you.