
Wow, the difference is more staggering than I expected. First loaded up the wrong video, the current-gen version. I was thinking: 'these animations are so wooden, is this next-gen?' Then I saw the real next-gen one. Almost like watching a video.

Probably not. It says 'cinematic trailer'. That usually means pre-rendered.

Read an article some time ago about why Apple went with the realistic design (a news stand looks like a news stand, calculator like a calculator, etc.) that it went with. Since it was the first big smartphone, people still had to get used to touchscreen and the like. Making everything look like real things made

When the identity of Deep Throat my mind immediately goes to that movie about two girls falling in love with Nixon and then later being Deep Throat and ending his career.

Would it be possible for simple animal and/or plant life to have risen on Mars, be wiped out by some cataclysm and be so covered up/eroded away by sand, rock, wind and whatnot, so that we with our rovers and orbiters that are just scratching the surface (sometimes quite literally) can't see these signs of previous

She definitely looks more Asian in this one and in the top version quite different from the one in the ME1 artwork below.

Could anyone explain in layman's terms how tesselation works? Looked it up, but couldn't understand the technobabble. Does it get its shape from the texture itself for example or is there a secondary 'map' that holds all the geometry information?

Yeah, World of Warships. Wonder how that'll play. There's less cover on the seas and ships are much less nimble than tanks or planes.

Happy B-Day

I got it.

Could it be the water.

I think they're still doing it because of the novelty of having all those guys fly around to power the ferris wheel. A system of pulleys could probably do that job at a much lower price than a motor, with the human power pulling ropes at a safe distance. That would just not be as spectacular.

I can see why he won. That photo is just mesmerizing.

Never saw it. It's a shame, because of all the pre-digital animation movies that I haven't seen yet, this one seems like one of the most promising. *mumbles to himself* Needs to find time to that soon.

Europe does not consider Santos Dumont (or however you write it) as the inventor of the first successful airplane. That goes to the Wright Brothers. We do place more emphasis on their predecessors like Otto Lilienthal than I imagine the Americans would.

Instead of www just type mww and you're golden.

Now playing

What timing. Just watched this today. Glad we Dutch eliminated the 1 and 2 eurocent:

The problem with copyright reform is that the only major lobby group are the copyright holders. The one's suffering are the smaller companies. While Samsung might not like the copyrights Apple holds, it also doesn't want to lose their own. Balance of power. Something radical has to happen for that to change.

The V-Day scene was a nice subversion of the real thing. Love alternate history stuff.

You learned about his oratory skills before the general 'most-evil-person-alive' stuff? What kind of history curriculum did you have at school?