
Everytime I see a Gameboy Pocket I'm remembered of the time as a kid when my parents bought a GBC + games from some shop on holiday. The shady salesman put a Pocket in the box, instead of the GBC. We discovered it and got the right one (did have to get a policeman involved). When we first discovered it, I didn't even

Great job insanegaz! Too bad that to make this you had to use the least detailed assets GTA IV had to offer. When portraying the concrete jungle, IV is still unparalleled (although I think V's Los Santos will be able to challenge it) but the moment you walk into Middle Park or drive along one of the cliffs it all

Would've liked some explanation with more/every graveyard. Some have interesting stories to tell, I found out looking around myself.

Read the novel a second time a week ago. Too bad nothing but the name is in this.

I don't I think know anyone in the Netherlands that uses anything but Google. Is it big search engine in the US or something?

In the above shot she looks very Algerian to me. Which makes sense, since it's one of the major ethnic groups in Paris/France.

:D The moment the shard got into Sukar, he wasn't dead yet.

Perhaps they checked the 'default' setting of Sukar at the time, ie. with scar.

These past two days were torture. I was on holiday, but did check into Kotaku and io9 from time to time. When I saw all the GoT articles I got enough of a wiff to sense that something big and as this article calls it: traumatizing was going to happen. Actually put off watching it until after dinner, as I wanted my

What I hate about my membrane keyboard is that since certain keys are grouped (makes it cheaper to produce) it can't register some combinations of three keys pressed simultaneously. Like running (shift) while moving diagonally (W+D) in FIFA. In most games it's not a problem, but in some, like the aforementioned FIFA,

Jay Leno meets Elvis

First thing I thought when I saw it collapse was how cool it would be if a train was just passing over it, with the bridge collapsing just behind it.


Well that's your right of course, at least according to me.

I feel it's part of the world we live in. Could some be a less annoying? Yes. But the economic system kind of depends upon it, so I try to not get hung up on it. If there were no ads to begin with, there wouldn't be any/much choice either is what I always think.

Wouldn't know. Even with all the vids, I can't imagine how that would feel/look like in the real world. Your image above and the idea of stuff being blocked/blurred is more recognizable and conceivable. Perhaps in a decade or two, when both systems exist I can tell you which is the weirdest of the two.

Who's in the last GIF.

Ah, you poor bastard. It's 7 euros or 9 dollars for a 2d film in the Netherlands. The 3d will get your close to the 15 bucks you're talking about.

Can't wrap my head around why people thought his was not a joke from the start.

Star Trek and Star Wars are so fire and water on so many different levels. Gene Roddenberry is always a god, never to be questioned, while Lucas is someone to be thrown into the Sarlacc Pit.