
I think what this shot does very well is making the audience feel like it's them standing there. The character, often the protagonist, is often cast in shadows making it like a black void where you, the audience, fits into.

I agree. It's not blockbuster movie quality, but for a TV series it's among the best CG. Many shots I see in here I wouldn't even notice were CG.

Neill Blomkamp loves slums.

Those are actually tiny Starfleet emblems, not hexagons.

I don't think that the things you mentioned aren't where humanity's priorities should lie, but space travel has at least given us tools to accomplish those goals. Why those tools aren't as widespread as they should be, has nothing to do with space travel though, but with all the wasteful things people, governments,

How cool would it be when you were trekking across the Antarctic wastes and ran into a behemoth like the Penguin 1, especially if you've never heard of it. Talk about a WTF moment.

I grew up with that first image. It was in a set of encyclopedias that handled a wide variety of things: lost civilizations, life on earth, the human mind, etc. One of them dealt with space travel and alien life. This was in the section about how people imagined terraforming Venus.

Wow Xbox 360. That's a lot more work than the PC version, as you have so many specialized tools for modding its maps. Very cool either way.

My memory is a little fuzzy on the story of my first Shephard that went from ME to ME3, so it might not be completely accurate. I remember that she was a strict leader, but one that cared deeply for all her crewmembers. She didn't always manage to save everyone, but she sure as hell tried. She put her love life aside

I converted the version on the top to 1920x1080 for use as a wallpaper. If anyone wants it: http://imgur.com/aSrxGGk

While it might be a while before I can afford Bioshock: Infinite, I've still been inspired to play the original by the release. Haven't gotten very far yet: Neptune's Bounty, but I'm having a lot of fun. The gameplay's still solid and the atmosphere and design really hide the more than five-year old tech. I'm very

Because spacewalking is be the popular term used for extra-vehicular activities both in orbit (in empty space) and on the Moon, although the latter is also referred to as Moonwalking. When the astronauts go to the asteroid in 2021, it wouldn't be necessarily that different from spacewalking from a spacecraft to Hubble

The challenges of space have spurred so many innovations that's almost ridiculous. Without all the technologies that were required for spacetravel and all the experiments we've done in space, the world would be a much poorer and less green place then it is now. NASA spin-off technologies include: high-performance

The Orion spacecapsule would actually be larger than the asteroid they'd be exploring. 9 vs 7 meters.

That Japanese guy must eat a lot of rice cakes and drink a lot of water if he can finish a hundred dollars worth in a week.

Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation fame didn't completely destroy Survival Instinct which is quite a compliment, unlike ACM.

Wouldn't really call one Turkish organisation the entire Muslim world :D

Seeing Kirkman's grimm outlook on the future of mankind, I kind of see that being a possible secondary meaning.

I like these things as well. Reviews and previews are fine, but sometimes you want something that dives into other parts of gaming. For example Gameplay, the games magazine that I'm subscribed to, has several monthly items that cover for example the story of games stuck in development hell or a retrospective on a game

I think the three protagonist thing is going to have a big impact on how the story is told and that's the big revolution Houser is talking about. GTA IV had a sweeping story, but it's still very much like how SA's story is told. With IV the revolutionary thing was definitely the next-gen graphics, physics, etc.