
The only thing this is really going to be good for are games that are designed specifically for VR headsets. It can be a fun novelty to 'experience' an old game with this, but it's always going to be a bit clunky. Just like games that are ported from a mouse+keyboard setup to console gamepad or vice versa. Where this

It's something that Valve games all seem to have for some reason, the FOV of 75 instead of the usual 90. It's easily changed in the graphics menu now, but it used to be quite a hassle if you didn't know how to use console commands.

Clementine is indeed The Walking Dead. I don't think anyone played through the entire game and didn't end up making a connection to her. Lee is a great character and the voice actor does a wonderful job, but in the end due to the actions you can make he'll always be an extension of you. The other characters can be

Indeed, nothing beats the moment. For example: I was very moved by Felix's Baumgartner's record-breaking parachute jump, but I imagine that if I have children and they see that footage it won't do much for them. They will have seen so much more mind-blowing things that something like Baumgartner's jump won't make that

This is a nice first as well, the first color photo of all of Earth. Dodge satellite, 1967.

I don't think I've ever played an SW game, solely developed by LucasArts and liked it. All the good games seem to have had external developers.

Partially. Can be deep, but only from the right angle. The movie doesn't always keep that angle in its sights though.

#7 is Avatar. The Star Wars prequels never really blew me away. At least some of these movies use their CGI to create fantastical spectacles or art styles. Attack of the Clones uses it to show us a drab hangar bay on Geonosis, that could've easily built in a study and would've looked ten times better.

I wish Mr. Banks and his relatives/friends all the fun in the world.

It's a good thing Life didn't design NASA's rockets then :D

I love pre-Space Race imaginings of space travel. Stuff like putting the docking ports in the middle of the giant space mirror, instead of on the side. Those Germans must've been really hoping their pilots were precise. Getting a lock on a real docking port is quite precise, but there is at least a little bit of

All new Kotaku is too long. Newtaku is the word to use...

Never heard about this game, but interesting. 'My' game would be rely more on survival, than actually gunning down enemies in any way. Light, from the camera or otherwise, would be the key to keeping enemies at bay and getting away from enemies would be the main method of surviving to the end. Something Amnesia used

I had this idea about a horror game taking place on Hasima Island, aka Battleship Island, an abandoned, highly urbanized mining island off the coast off of Nagasaki. It too had the player looking through the lense of a video camera. Glad someone had the same idea and went with it. Wonder what they can do with it. My

DW can come out on top, but in the end the most influential show, of the two, is going to be Star Trek at least internationally.

I like going to the beach, but I also dread going to far out. Just the idea that there's so much unknown beneath my feet is just too much. Although a whale I would love to see, even if it would be from the safety of a boat.

This does not look better than Karl Urban's Judge Dredd, a film that was one of the more enjoyable that I've watched recently. Shame that not more people though the same, seeing as it was big flop commercially.

This was great. Should play BioShock some time.

Can never get enough of space age art.

Wow, different wavelengths even make people have different facial expressions :D