
To compensate, the man only gets to eat beans.

The list was of Voyager crew members. So adding ranks that outrank the main characters is silly. Even Bartlett's commander rank is already pushing what we know of Voyager's crew compliment.

With the PS4 working more like a PC than its predecessor I can see them porting at least The Witcher 2 over if #3 does well on it.

If I could have Telltale put their magic on a franchise it would have to be Star Trek. Maybe not the new movie era, since that’s not fleshed out enough, but perhaps something set during the Dominion War. Star Trek has a great track record of exploring interesting concepts, character’s relationships, offers the ability

Yes. I felt something was off with my sentence.

It's mind-boggling to think that there's only 12 people alive today that were born in the 19th century.

Naturally. Convincing opponents mean more than all the polygons in the world combined.

The AI in Crysis 2 and 3 hasn't been particularly lauded.

For some reason Android people tend to spend less on apps/games than they do on iOS, so many (indie) devs try it out first on iOS. After that, you'll sometimes see an Android version if it's worth their while (if it didn't sell on iOS, then it wouldn't on Android either).

Reminds me of TNG's stellar cartography room.

JRPGs used to be such a big part of Western gaming with Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, etc. but in the last few years this has declined dramatically, with Western RPGs taking over. My theory is that this is in part due to the switch from 2D to 3D. As the level of detail increased, the aesthetics of

That'd be a very nice art style for a game. Especially one with a fantasy/sci-fi setting.

Kotaku should combine their two loves: animated GIFs of GTA IV mods.

Lemuria in the Indian Ocean and Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean is what I hear most.


No, the lost continent of Mu. The Indian Ocean's Atlantis, thought up by some 19th century people:

I immediately thought of Mu.

My favorite scene was without a doubt Andrea meeting everyone in the prison atrium. It felt so post-apocalyptic and really showed how bad the group's living conditions are. Loved Carl throughout the episode, the actor's been handling having his character grow up very well.

In World of Conflict the Russkies used it to invade Seattle. Looked pretty cool.

I like this week's Another Video Game Comic. Wonder what it looks like.