
I like this week's Another Video Game Comic. Wonder what it looks like.

DX:HR doesn't really count, at least not what you show. That's as pre-rendered as can be. The others at least allow you to actually go there on your own (except KZ probably). The Hengsha parts did nail the vibrant city feel, also an important part in making a game come more to life.

What if our history is based on a novel or a play?

Would love a look of it like you would 99% of the time you're using it. Aka the other side.

Is this an official Sony picture? Because I love that they keep referencing that they're a quite decent PC. For the moment :D


Russians when faced with a meteorite lighting up the sky: keep on driving quietly


If I would have to have one Star Trek game, I'd choose an adventure by Telltale. Would be a perfect fit.

I think the problem with the Borg, and basically all mysterious villains, is that they're overused. They are so menacing because of the mystery, but that also makes you want to explore them further. Which can result in some interesting revelations, but it also makes them less menacing.

The street is just like M.C. Escher.

I think that's exactly what they're hoping for, but with the addition that you played one of their games. I only played Anomaly: Earth and I enjoyed the hell out of that, so for me 11bit is definitely on the list of indie developers for which I would even think of trying something like this.

Wow, I can easily imagine that through the centuries stuff like this has caused a lot of people to believe in gods, the end of the world and aliens.

What's with all the lens flares? Did J.J. Abrams direct :D

I hated the planes, at least for shooting stuff. They went to fast. Now the helicopters, those were a dream to fly and shoot.

Post-apocalyptic: clean drinking water

Looks almost like a model.

Just meant that there's such a big gap between 30 and 90.

90-30 is a big range.

Excellent essay. My main gripe with stuff based on Aliens, is that they always force the iconic stuff down your throat. Here's a powerloader, here's a dropship, here's a tough-as-nails female marine, here's an android, etc.