
Thanks, that works perfectly.

2-4 cups usually. Mostly when I'm tired already, I can get jittery.

I wouldn't want to not be a tourist, at least not the first time. I want to see the famous, touristy stuff at least once. On the other hand it's important to not live in a bubble as well and talk to people, etc. But that can be combined with touristy stuff.

This episode didn't give me the chills like the previous few episodes, but who can blame them after all the deaths and action? They can't keep up the rollercoaster and even if they could, it'd feel less special if it was ON all the time. There needs to be breathing periods.

I think it also has to do with the 60s. Women were good enough to be competent bridge officers, but they weren't completely equal yet.

Microsoft Office has, a major part of the Windows experience. The ribbon interface is completely alien for everyone who's ever used pre-2007 Office. The top bar with drop downs type menu has been used by almost all programs since the mid 90s and that's a good thing. It works and it's recognizable.

Do many people in the States have to cash in their paycheck physically (assuming that's what's meant by the article)? I only have experience with the salary being transferred via internet banking.

Get the ProxMate extension if you have Chrome.

For some reason I'm also imagining a Native Maya super model. Would definately be something we haven't seen before.

Or the zombie mods. Shows the potential of a GTA with that sort of gameplay.

I can't wait for the next generation, because no matter how you look at it that hardware is holding back experiments, especially in the AAA section. Don't care about superficial graphical fidelity at all, but so much more can be done with the extra power in terms of AI, open worlds, etc. CoD will probably always be

Granted, I might have exaggerated, but I was simply talking about how time defines what's truly interstellar travel. Several probes are on an escape trajectory and Voyager 1 is close to interstellar space. The technology is there, but Pioneer 10 would take more than 2 million years to get in the vicinity of Aldebaran.

Hotter doesn't mean more useful. A smartphone stands by its apps. iOS leads, followed by Android, but the rest isn't even close.

Every form of spacecraft propulsion is interstellar, it's just about the time it takes to do it. Forty years is nice, but it's not good enough. More than a generation is (plus minus twenty years) is probably the max for any interstellar travel to be viable in a world that's not lead by a single cause. A year, like the

Does Abrams even have lens flares in anything but Star Trek?

Forgotten Hope 2, nuff said.

Would've imagined it would really come out in spring, as it looked quite complete in the screenshots/trailers. On the other hand Rockstar has delayed their major releases since at least IV.

Wasn't thinking about it, but I am now. Few games have made fire that scary.

That's the main drawback of the way the Senate works. The long terms/careers work great for stopping popular fads from wreaking too much havoc on the country, but it also leads to a very large group of Senators who are going to be out of touch in a number of areas, such as in this case 'new' media. That can lead to

Get Optifine. Lets you get much better draw distance, etc. for less of a hit on your PC.