
A bug is never good, but this shows that $40,000 certification charges are ridiculous in this day in age. Don't complain you're losing your indies to Steam with prices like this, Microsoft.

Whether it's better to put it on full out sale now or a couple of weeks later I'll leave the to the business analysts. I will however say that it needs to go on sale if it wants to reach everyone. A lot of people are simply buying it for the mod, totally uninterested in the real game that comes with it. In these cases

YouTube to MP3'd it for you:


Does anyone know if you could actually get off the ground while flapping wings (not necessarily those from the show, but something more ideal) in a dome full of air in the 1/6 gravity of the Moon? Or do we need to have even less gravity to do that?

Looks awesome!

The Princess Peach and Daisy cosplayers are dudes.

Third GIF. When you see it.

It's not really free is it, it's pretty much pay to win.

Wouldn't dried meat be an option? You can probably use jerkey to make a bullet-proof vest. I think it'll survive a couple of years in a cargo hold.

Two crazy people are still crazy people. You should try Republic Commando though, it's not all that bad.

How's Rock and Roll Racing a hidden gem? Isn't that one of the most popular pre-WarCraft stuff.

The view of the ISS Cuppola is amazing. Which I could go there.

I'm so very excited. Finally other people are becoming the biggest threat. Always found that to be The Walking Dead's strongest theme.

The type of region-blocking I hate the most (not the case here) is the kind that shows you an ad (which is sometimes even localized, ie. Dutch ads in my case) and then tells you can't view in your country. Such utter bull.

Spare Ivan Bytchkov - you get a random encounter

Finally. Been using Google Calculator/Conversions for a few years and an update like this shows why it's so awesome.

Some scenes were to lifeless. Doing a super slow-motion thing would've made it come more alive.

"You don't want porting from the 720 to be easy. You want porting to it to be easy."

I didn't say it was about porting exclusive games. By making porting easier in general (through similar frameworks), the treshold for developers to migrate their games from Xbox 720 to PC or the other way around becomes lower. Both are Microsoft platforms. The easier porting process will results in a larger line-up of