
Not to crazy about the art style, but I'll watch it for the story. Love me some Mass Effect lore.

I can personally vouch for The Walking Dead and Crusader Kings II. Didn't expect as much fun with them going in, but they're great.

It was a funny episode. Every episode with Zapp Brannigan in a leading role is. Would've liked some more cerebral sci-fi problem to go with that, but I guess .

I'll have to wait till next year's sale or hopefully the one during Holiday season. My game budget is as empty as it could be. Luckily I still have a massive back catalog. Unluckily I don't have much time to play. Too much work to be done.

Only Revolution appeals to me.

I don't think any gaming news in the last few months has made my heart miss beat, but this did. I've been hanging out a lot in the GTA community and the hype there's amazing. Everything has been scrutinized and discussed so vigourously that there wasn't anything left. So when something new pops up, it's amazing.

Another reason could be the timing. Superhero films really came to the fore in 2000s. Some argue that their success is partially due to people (in the US) feeling powerless in the wake of 9/11, Katrina, the banking crises, etc. and thus started looking for an empowering figure to look up to when they went to the movie

Is it possible to have meaning if a mythology has been made up on the fly?

Within a few years a new console would pop up, because the PlayBoxU wouldn't be considered perfect, leaving room for competition. Over time this console can grow enough to come alongside SoTendoSoft's console line. The whole cycle will start over again.

Would've liked to have a person to scale at the bottom of each of those towers. Some of those look ridiculously tall.

There's nothing in there that couldn't be done without the Source Filmmaker. Still a good vid though.

The I have a ... Khaleesi was a hilarious bit. Varys' I must admit sentence was pretty spot on. Too bad the doesn't do Tyrion.

The amount of boobs per minute on the show is indeed ridiculous. Not having read the books (yet), can anyone tell me how this translates into the books. Are the boobs per minute in the books higher/lower/equal and how does he work it into the narrative. A nice description of a naked wench prancing around the courtyard

If they can manage to polish this further, I can see this beating SA-MP as THE sandbox multiplayer mod of this year.

I'd add some of the well-designed 2nd generation Pokémon as well. Giving Pokémon more character would be a good move though. I'd especially like the game world to have more character too. It feels so small and static. I'd love a world which had the scale and the look of the anime series.

Too bad, I really like MP3. Guess someone had to pay for the immense setbacks in development. Luckily it was just the studio itself, not the developers.

Following TrekMovie (the main Trek news outlet), you learn to take this stuff with a grain of salt. First Khan was very much confirmed to be the villain. Then he was debunked as the villain by Simon Pegg. Then we heard stuff about an original villain, etc. Now this. I wouldn't call it true just yet. I can easily

Nanoweapons don't kill people. Stupid people kill people.

Once again Valve, you manage to make you love you even more. Now if only you got rid of your ridiculously long developing times without a loss in quality (impossible, I know), then I'll start a religion around you.

I just love these secret history posts. There's a whole world waiting beneath what we know.