
I find it hard to believe that this is real. Coincidentally the 'realistic' concept art (ie. the non-trippy Combine stuff) features the things we can know of the HL3 story (that Alyx and Gordon are going to an arctic base in a transport helicopter).

My heart swelled up, just like you said. God damn it io9, why must you always be right?

Wll it's not mine, just to make that clear. I'm just spreading the word, that's all.

Always on. As a Dutchman, almost half of the (decent) programming is subtitled. Because I'm 'trained' so to say, I can pay attention to the text only when I can't understand it. So for me subittles don't get in the way of me enjoying the sights at all, they just help me when I can't hear a word or two too well.

This is my favorite:

Must. Have.

I really can't wait to see how they'll handle it. Not just the ending, but the continuation of the ME universe as well. As they seem to have written both into a corner.

Never heard of 'em. As someone who knows a bit more about comics than Joe Everyman but less than a comic book 'geek' I'm thinking that if I don't know a superhero (even just by name), it's not going to appeal to a mass audience.

I love the 9GAG reference at the start of the first episode.

The alien in a NASA-like spacesuit I like the most and looks the most real. It's placing it in a relatively low tech (in sci-fi terms) setting, making it a sneak peek into an civilization at the same level, only alien instead of human.

1% is 21,660 km² though. That's all of El Salvador. That's a lot of arable land. It's only half the Netherlands, which is one of the major agricultural exporters but also one of the most urbanized areas in the world. So it's still a lot of room for crops. Although I doubt it's tomato's or orange groves, considering

You mean the Danish. Last time I checked, us Dutchmen never were Vikings.

[i]'Fez actually sold fairly poorly.'[/i]

For a moment I really wanted one, until I realized I'd have to lose something first :P Still I can imagine some people going for this as a fashion statement, if prosthethic legs would become equal or better than human lower legs (probably using cybernetics). Humans are weird like that.

Niko's the one on the table, yes. Find him to be quite recognizable.

Zelda like many other Japanese video games such as FF13 has fallen prey to excessive handholding. Remove that and the games become much more accessible (to Western audiences).

I like the new look a lot more. She looks more real. Less a male fantasy doing heroic things and more a real 20 something who can sometimes be scared but in the end succeed against all odds.

I liked the graphics style of The Simpsons Game much better. That had a special system which made the objects look more 2D, instead of 3D with black edges. Not sure how it worked, but the videos spoke for themselves.

I can offer you another copy of HL2 :D

High-resolution is nice and all, but unless more than 25% of all PC games are Mac accessible you're not going to get me or a lot of other people?