
Looks nice, but with each passing month my enthousiasm lessens. This used to be the most hyped mod ever and with good reason, but times are changing. The Half-Life series is dead in the water and there's been a thousand games in between. I'm afraid I'll be so accustomed to the current types of games that I might not

Is this the Japanese III or the American III?

I for one love the show (I'm holding off reading the comics, because I don't want to be spoiled to what could be happening next). The moment I'm able to see a new episode I drop everything and watch it. I admit the writing in season 2 is a bit wonky, but when you take all the crap that has been happening backstage in

While your real loved ones can never be substituted, something like this might make it a little easier when they're not around, for whatever reason.

The trailer isn't that impressive, because you don't see if its real-time. The second video does and is much more interesting because of it.

Quite excited for this. This has the potential to be a very good (Star Wars) game. Sure, it's a lot like Uncharted but that's just because that series got a lot right when it 'started' the whole cinematic cover-based action game genre. Like 'Doom clone' this comparison will one day dissappear.

The Gorn are an excellent choice for a villain. They can act both intelligent and animal-like, which is a nice combination. It's also an iconic alien from the original Star Trek, but due to them only being featured in two episodes (TOS and ENT) they're still very much a mystery. They're not overdone like Klingons and

I feel it might be distracting to see the same footage displayed on two screens in your view range.

If you want an enhanced version of Doom 3, stick to mods. There's high-res textures, models, tweaked gameplay.

Sleeping Dogs

Well the game tolerates being offline for longer than a few minutes, so perhaps that's a way in for the hackers. The multiplayer aspects will probably be nerfed because of it, but pirates probably don't care.

EA could've achieved almost the same system using something like Spore's massively single-player online game which had asynchronous sharing.

costal -> coastal

Cool trailer and game, but I feel Hawken isn't exactly an indie game anymore with so many financial backers. Hopefully that won't result in the team bowing too much to the ideas of Big Brother.

Sorry Notch, this was a bad idea (not financially because they will sell, but it's not exactly LEGO's best set). The real Minecraft is the better deal, especially for children (although young children should have it set to Peaceful, because those monster can be quite scary).

Railplane is such an awesome world. I'm feeling all Dieselpunky right now.

Just watched some vids of it and I must say the basics there but the brooms just make it too ridiculous. Then again with the brooms it wouldn't be real quidditch. Not for me.

Already have TF2 and I only have PC so no Warhawk.

Got TF2 in the Orange Box. Don't think I would've bought it on it's own though. Have both L4Ds but have played offline as much as I've played online. At least the bots always help me out and don't ragequit :D Don't think I bought them at full price though (I guess I buy some MP only games, but only at a discount). I

Doesn't the fact that they're not flying take most of the suspense away?