
Day Zed I think. American pronunctiation.

Must be awesome to be an actor on Prometheus. All those fully built sets. Beats green-screen Lucas.

Very Jetsonsy. A town in GTA: San Andreas also had a lot of this architecture, I loved driving through it.

Bioshock Infinite will only be 5 years in development. There's plenty of games that take 4-5 years to develop (GTA for example).

This open world is what STALKER should've been.

Since ALL forms of energy have dissappeared, the image above should be completely black, as light is a type of energy.

For a split second I did indeed think: "this sounds like Zynga". It's definately defendable than Scrolls.

Post-trilogy games are not likely. The Expanded Universe has left little room there. Only terra nullius is between the two trilogies, aka The Force Unleashed, etc. Or, you know way in the past or future.

Traynor felt very much like a real character to me, so did that quite well. Didn't even figure out she was lesbian from the get-go either, something which real-life lesbians manage to do as well (you know, because it's not their entire identity). Traynor was definately my FemShep's rock. Whenever she had it tough, she

Looking forward to this one.

Wouldn't people want to know if they were talking to an android or not. It's natural for them to need to know who is part of their group and who is the 'Other'? If android become indistinguishable from humans that might actually create a greater uncanny valley than we have now, because we couldn't know if we were

How is this a rollercoaster?

26 seasons and a movie...

Don't think so. It's a shame.

Looks like TES Online would have to be a classless, real-time combat and dynamic quests to be big success.

1. All of Jedi Outcast

They did. A lot.

These kinds of kill-a-franchise discussions should not be taken too literally. Seeing it as platform for people to explain what franchises they consider dead or in need of a break turns this whole discussion into something much more useful.

I have to completely disagree with this article. The assumptions are all based on the impossibility of Star Trek's tech, most importantly warp technology. The specialized genetically modified people aren't that necessary in a civilization where people can travel through at immense speeds in recognizable spaceships. We

Well the word new isn't capitalized and is parenthesized. Perhaps they just want to stress that's it a city rebuilt from the ashes. Not that it's actually called New St. Louis.