
I'd love to see a 4 player comparison video, showing how the local bullet time effect works and looks for these different players. I have no doubt it works like they say it does, but I still find it a bit hard to visualize.

So do I ;)

In the end though, if it really boils down to choosing between Western life as it is now and some pastoral/luddite existence, even the nay sayers will choose whatever it takes to keep the precious luxuries that Western life offers them. It might take longer because of them, but in the end we'll change (or rather

I don't get why there's barely anything on the list that shows a future in which we realize we already have the technology to replace oil and everything just carries on as normal. For mass electrical power generation we have wind/solar/nuclear/hydro power, for transport we have hydrogen fuel cells and for plastics

I've thought of this before. The move to pacifism in Japan after the war is sort of reflected in anime like Beyblade, Pokémon, Digimon, etc. where the world is peaceful and unified and the only violence is kids having play-fights with weird looking animals, etc. Anyone notice this as well?

I think you meant to post Shatner's version.

While showers can be quick and joyless, there's no comparison to the feeling when you have your head under a steady stream of hot water, your cares washing away. But I will agree a nice bath is also great. Although I hate when the water starts to get cold and I finally have to get out.

If there was ever plot that could only pop up in the mind of a programmer, this is it.

Interesting article. I'd also keep an USB-powered hand-cranked charger in there to keep juice flowing to your precious electronic equipment. Nuclear holocaust, here I come!

Well the moon's easier to get too and from and it does have the largest Helium 3 deposits known to man. With one of the biggest problems facing mankind being energy production, the moon would be worth its weight in gold.

For some reason, these graphics remind me of Lionhead's The Movies game.

Iron Cross, an fan-made expansion for Hearts of Iron 2. I started up and was greeted by a combination of some of the worst design decisions and collection of bugs ever. Played for five minutes before figuratively chucking it in the trash.

But the reset button was pushed because *spoiler* Janeway rams Voyager into the enemy time ship. So in the end, that whole hellish year is prevented.


I don't see any evidence of the Prime Directive being broken. This is from the TOS episode "Bread and Circuses":

I'm pretty sure you can both romance and let Thane survive. I haven't tried it but the info on the ME wiki does point to it being possible.

I'll try that.

It's weird, but for some reason I can't drum up the same enthusiasm for this movie as some of you do. I see this trailer and I never feel that this is going to be the pinnacle of superhero movies. I'm convinced I'll have fun watching this, but the needle on Opion-o-meter never passes into the Good Memorable Movie

Personally I think the posters capture the sense of adventure and mystery quite well. A Drew Suzan-esque poster could work but I do feel it fits more with a character-based movie. To me, Link has always been a character that I was, instead of a character that I played. As such, he's more of the embodiment of adventure

That's kind of weird. Those silly Japanese :D