
Yeah, I see it now. Looks rather photoshopped than real bricks. Are there even such translucent bricks?

I had a similar experience when I saw a high-res Cassini photo on here which showed Mimas in front of Saturn. Realizing that this was up there, was amazing. I'd still like to do what you did, as there's no such thing as seeing something with your own eyes. My university has a telescope but I'm not a student that can

Where's the LEGO exhaust cloud :D

I've been a gamer since 1912.

The mindblowing thing is that the guy who found this, probably saw the movie a bunch of times (or he is REALLY observant). Why would anyone want that?

Is there any way of protesting against SOPA/PIPA when you're not a US citizen? I know they can at least send a letter to their representatives (it might not help much but at least you'll feel like you've done something), but that is ofcourse not possible for Europeans like me.

It would appear Community's Abed is way into cosplay.

When they first started this Free-2-Play thing they talked of micro-transitions. $0.20 is a microtransaction. A $70 car or a $1 is not. You should be getting the world for something like $100 (about twice the price of a game). If you have to spend more on a game like this, you're being scammed.

I only tried Gaikai, which only needs the internet to play, in a demo of Crysis 2 but I was pretty impressed. The quality isn't great (like playing a YouTube video) but when you get in the game you don't really notice. You're just thinking about that you're picking up a car with your bare hands without a hitch and

Luckily it had one 3d render. This concept art says so little how it's going to look in-game. Like that render. It's nearing WoW graphics quality, which is good for a game that runs in Java (I think).

December, is probably the greatest month of all. You'll be able to buy half these games in the Steam Sale for a fraction of what they cost a few months before.

I think it's the vibrant color palette that makes this type of art pop. No use of pure black and space is full of interesting crap to see (there's already like 3 planets in only one corner of the SC3 box). Most current 4x box art is boring planetrises.

Seeing this I hope they really go the old-school (but not antiquated) JRPG road with this. A ridiculous quest to save the world and opposing rows of combatants. Miss those.

I was thinking an apple, i.e. Newton. But that doesn't take into account the Greek and other predecessors of Sir Isaac. Also Apple would get mad. I like the infinity symbol. Not from a religion vs. science point of view but more of a: what do we put on the United Earth Space Agency scientists uniform while we careen

EA just wants a piece of the cake that is digital delivery.

I'd think microgravity wouldn't be a problem. Aren't there already plans on the table for an artificial gravity centrifuge on the ISS? I'd think if man would go translunar, we'd slap a few of those on our ships. Wouldn't just sleeping in 1G for 6-8 hours and excersizing for an1 hour in 1g almost nullify spending the

Nice artstyle.

I don't get why they made Battleship an officially licensed movie. Not only is there no real connection to the board game so the title would probably be legal to use anyway, the Battleship brand is probably only known in the English-speaking as Battleship, with translations in the rest of the world (it's called

I love how they tried to call in the marines to save them.

Had you all watched QI, you would've known this already.