
Naw, Brady will get the Patriots’ equipment manager to stand-in for that handshake.

Elephant in the room..... Mike Tomlin.

Or publicly funded stadiums.

Won’t matter. Obama reduced taxes for small businesses three time and most of those same small businesses will swear he was a disaster for them. Trump could increase taxes and lower the standard of living for many but as long as people have their basic needs looked after they will convince themselves things are

Of course you have heard about crabs accepting death by boiling water, right? First, lull them with warm water, second, insure there is more than one resting crab sharing the growing environmental discomfort inside the heating pot so that each will stop each other from escaping their eventual demise.

God help us all.... Fox news seriously exposing the incompetence of the corporate mainstream media in a non-ironic way.

Interesting dodge defering to “states’ rights”. Maybe someone should have asked her if she feels the same way about “municipalities’ rights” using North Carolina as an example.

She released terrible things like US helicopter patrols assassinating Reuters reporters for “brandishing” cameras... and oh yeah, killing first responders who came to their aid. Good thing these heroes were never disciplined or heaven forbid, faced jail time. Heroes! But Chelsea... how dare she share that sort of

When I was around that age I made the mistake of not pausing long enough between drinks of tequila. The next morning a lot of sombre and unforgiving faces greeted me with an assortment of cleaning materials and a house reaking of shit and puke everywhere.

But I thought journalism was about just presenting the news and screw any kind of context... “let the viewers decide what is true and isn’t”. Isn’t that what all these cable news channels champion? I’m looking at you, CNN.

It’s the sense of entitlement or at least the perceived sense of entitlement. I’m sure he agrees with you. But one gets the feeling that if someone in the same car pointed that out to him he would sic some of his “yes men” on the person and THAT person would be ushered off the train.

Actually I think killing him is the more humane thing to do. He’s a troubled young man and you are fooling yourselves if you think he’s ever going to get anything above and beyond his prison time. You don’t do it with malice or revenge; you just do it and move on. You DON’T let him rot in prison.

I didn’t know! I’m sorry, Natalie... I didn’t know!!!!!

The thing about Brady is that his militant adherence to diet probably does more for his focus than it actually does for his body. It’s similar to how soccer coaches would preach to their players not to have sex the night before a game. It isn’t really about sex, it is about the physical and mental ritual of getting an

First, start preparing for the notorious cold conditions of Lambeau field by..... journeying to warm climates, soaking up as much as that warmth as you can, wrap it up and take it back with you OR you could do your best to approximate forcasted weather and playing conditions and try acclimatizing  to that for a week.

I’m Canadian I care way more about “soccer” than I do hockey, untill the Olympics and even then it’s the games between the American and Canadian women that gets me hyped up.

So true. So many videos with thousands of views of half second nip slips, shadowy crotch shots and pics of computer-hacked celebrity breasts overwhelming internet servers.

“I will return to Paris tomorrow evening. Don’t wash.” Napoleon’s instructions to Josephine

And who would that be? The one their “slurping on” or the one they vilify? Hard to tell these days whose who.

Why are so many white males such fucking whiners? I’m a white male so it’s embarrassing to me.