
Wicki Leaks; doing the job the mainstream media can’t. I was originally going to say, won’t, but I believe it has come to the point of ineptness that they really can’t do the sort of of investigative, digging, long term type of journalism that once upon a time they could do if only every once in awhile. 

Big elephant in the room; why are we just assuming the Pentagon is telling the truth? Why is an American destroyer off shore of Yemen? Why do we care about Yemen? Why do the Saudi’s need our help bombing civilian targets? Did we not arm them to the cost of billions of dollars already? Why are we supporting a regime of

His singing is the least of his talent. Him and Leonard Cohen are generational poets and ironically their poetry transcends generations.

The most disliked and hated politician in America is Donald Trump and ONLY a few percentage points behind him is Hillary. Maybe you would be surprised but I wouldn’t if a late Republican replacement did indeed beat Hillary and won the Presidency. Anyone other than Hillary would have had this election declared his or

Take your own advice! There are two types of information about Hillary; the bullshit stuff Republicans go on and on about and the other stuff REASONABLE people have issues with. If you don’t understand that than you haven’t been paying attention.

Thank you. I have been blaring that very thing from the rooftops. The fact that 9% (I’m being kind here) of the population decided two of the most despised people in the country should be the nominees is bad enough; the fact that the “Ivory Tower” mainstream media is so tone deaf to the obvious short comings of these

Sort of like when Rep. John Lewis said he never saw Bernie getting arrested or marching during 1960's civil rights protests. But he’s supporting Hillary so that’s OK.

This is such a bullshit narrative. The mainstreet media has done squat about Hillary, it has taken wickileaks to uncover the crap about Hillary and meanwhile the mainstream media has gone out of its way to give little coverage to the current zeitgeist that gave rise to the Bernie campaign or behave like sycophants of

How about; Journalism, dead or dying?

I love that Donald smell. Smells like.... decay.

That’s quite rich of Anderson Cooper considering the questions they were asking or the time it took to get to policy issues or the fact that they kept talking about Syria when they completely ignored the fact that the day before in the same region, Saudi Arabia, America’s ally using American weapons committed “whole

Can the media just get off the narrative, “Trump, BAD; Hillary, GOOD” already? Try this; “Hillary, BAD; Trump, JUST SHOOT ME ALREADY!

I’m not saying you don’t know how it all works but your comment got me thinking about all those people who accuse other people of not knowing football yet who themselves don’t seem able to grasp the very simple formula of NFL scheduling.

Time will tell which “forces” are at work here and which of them “wins the day”.

Some polls have come out and guess what? Nothing has changed. America, you are either f*cked or f*cked up.

“It probably isn’t being contemplated”? You do realize a lot of these judges and prosecutors are elected, right? Also would you really be surprised if the majority of them WEREN’T funded by representatives from the corporate prison systems? Bottom line... there will be pressure to NOT go lightly here. Why do you think

Got to feed that corporate prison machine. No surprise here. Unfortunately for this young lady she happens to come from that particular population that the prison corporations depends on.

One thing is for certain. If she wins there will be no period of grace for her. The main stream media of course will continue to be “absent without cause” and by that I mean the principle players; Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, FOX (they’ll be active but it will be more rabid than active), Salon, etc. But I expect one

Nothing surprises me about Trump. However.... Billy Bush. Oh, oh, my boy, YOU just got fucked by Trump. I shouldn’t be surprised but I am. Have this feeling this is going to hurt him more than Trump.

His utility is in what he isn’t, namely a progressive. A slap in the face to many but a reassurance to ostensibly “important” others.