
And then they were replaced by F-35’s and drones and everything changed..

Interesting how in the same issue as this one, Bostonmagazine, there is also a hatchet job bordering on slander all about Tom’s boss, Robert Kraft. Just saying....

The problem is men. We need a national culling program. They’re too dangerous to be walking the streets.

Uh, oh. I hear philosophy....

Uhmm, exuse me, bear, why are you breaking my cayak? Do you think that is acceptable behavior? Well, do you? You may call yourself a bear, but I think you are a hoodlum. Yes, I said it; a hoodlum!

There is one and only one difference between her and Palin; the perception of gravitas. It’s bullshit of course. She is as much of an incompetent failure as Palin ever was but she’s newer, shinier. But she is just as much a mess as Palin ever was.

Just hope her and all the other right wing wackos keep it up. It wont be Democrats or Republicans who determine which party wins or loses next election. Just like the last Presidential elections, the majority of unaffiliated Americans are scared as shit that these guys might actually gain power that matters.

The best way to reduce concussions and injuries is pretty simple; have them wear the same protection gear Rugby players wear; a cup and ear protection.


The thing is, as Bill Cosby is probably finding out, these things DON’T get easier with age. Confronting the crimes and misdemeaners of ones youth does’nt get easier in ones later years. In my opinion they become more of an existential crisis. Confront it, deal with it, and put it behind you. Hard to do when “behind

Maybe it’s time for folks to stop WISHING for bad things to happen to the Pats, stop playing for stats and paychecks, stop whining, stop hyping faux rivalries and start realizing the formula for winning in the NFL starts and ends with the Pats. Learn from them, borrow from them, beat them and chances are you’ll beat

Isn’t Romo a lefty? And how old is he? Got to feel sorry for the guy; basically rehabilitated his reputation last year and now..... It may not be career ending but I do think this may be the begining of the end for him.

Habbit. Try that with many other sites and your comment either gets deleted or gets transformed into some other thing.

True enough, but the comparison is a bit of a wash. Black Widow certainly hasn’t hurt Johanson’s career prospects; no one is complaining about her high profile role in the THREE movies Black Widow has been in. And the idea of casting nets including Johanson for action roles is almost automatic now as it apparently has

Hey, grandma, why don’t you STFU.

So, when weed becomes no less illegal than booze will these irrational bans cease to be implemented?

So let me get this straight, they’re rich, not black, AND they are the rich sons of an oil ally? Damn right better leave them alone! Better yet maybe all the complaining whiners need to have an “educational” visit by the boys in blue to remind them about whats what. God bless America, land of the free!

As long as you’re not an habitual douche, you’re allowed the occasional mulligan. I’m sure Damon didn’t have to wait long to find out he just had one.

Like it was yesterday. Wait a minute! It was yesterday!

Oh the timing is superb. The timing is delicious. Oh... the timing.