
What some people AREN'T doing here is stretching their imagination, just a little bit. Try to imagine you are a doctor in such a situation. Try to imagine the administration consulting with their resident lawyers and those lawyers laying down the hard truth. That truth is that while the hospital and doctors are being

Me too. I always felt my guard coming up when having to deal with that aspect of any 12 step program. Sort of like it was a back door recruiting trick. In fact they will tell you that if you can't speak to god then try instead "a higher place". Couldn't do it; I know it is crazy but I felt and feel to do so would be

There are stories of people slipping through the cracks that need to be told and then there are stories that have no value and are nothing more than a waste of time. Stories like this are the equivalent of picking at scabs.

Really? Truthfully, which one made you role your eyes and which one made you laugh? It has got to the point, and long ago at that, that SNL ITSELF is in dire need to be parodied.

Yeah, first thing I noticed too. As for folks back then being unaware, I'm sure the writer is correct. As for the person making up the add, I'm not so sure given what we know about the gay community having to be VERY underground back then. Wouldn't be surprised if the the add wasn't a subliminal poke in the eye of

But it's the Girl Scouts we should denounce. After all don't Republicans tell us it turns little girls into Lesbians and Libbers (and liberals)?

That is what disgusts me to no end about homophobes; the hypocrisy. My own experience occurred many years ago when together with some friends and some of their friends (who just happened to be east European) one of them became overly aggressive with me like he wanted to beat me because he felt I was homosexual for

When it is all said and done I think the human race will be notable (if anyone CAN take note of it) for its VERY exceptional but VERY brief time of existence. I am almost sure that by the time the end is near, this planet's continents will have moved substantially, epochs of evolution will have come and gone to be

Naw, sorry. This is a VERY bad idea. Why? Because this isn't the 1944 military aided by a supportive media, which in turn had to deal with censorship and primitive communication by our modern standards. We can barely handle the publicity of a handful of deaths or atrocities as it stands now. Israel, yes, America and

I'm a guy but I think I might have a clue. Because of my very modest talent for acting I managed to get a part in a theatrical play with a group of aspiring REAL actors. I was very shy around them and they were really playful with each other. I would never, ever call attention to myself because of bad hygiene habits