
It’s not hair-splitting though. Saying the show was produced by Toonboom Harmony is like saying Marvel comics are produced by Photoshop.

Tammy Bakker deepfakes

This dude definitely jerks it to extremely weird porn

Nemesis was pretty terrible; I think it’s generally considered the worst of the TNG movies which is saying something as most of them are pretty bad. Just read the wikipedia page to get up to speed on the major plot points.

And for best Lovecraft-inspired film, top honors go to The Void.

No that’s Generations. Yeah Kirk is unceremoniously killed off but at worst it was dull. 

Its an airplane movie. 

Oh, absolutely. I certainly don’t think anyone should have that kind of power. But I can easily come up with a lot of reasons someone would take the power given the opportunity. Angela in particular has some good ones.

<--worst take

Probably felt he did, yes, to clear up any offense he may have caused a fellow cast mate.

When will you give us a break tho

I’d say quitting social media and walking away shows more strength than most of us have.

So no Edward Furlong or John Connor? He is listed on the imdb page. Flashback footage maybe?

This so many times .... on so many dating apps I see guys say they like “edgy comedy” and “if you’re too sensitive we won’t get along.”  Thanks for clueing me into the fact that you are not funny, dude.  Saved me time. 


But does an item of African-American vernacular truly exist until it’s been appropriated by white people, redefined, and then hammered into such overuse that it can no longer be used with 100% sincerity?

That Wikipedia entry is completely wrong. Just utter made-up bullshit. 

Give it some time. They literally just bought Fox. It takes a while to consolidate everything.

He mentioned on Conan's podcast he's on a specific diet for a "role" and he has been getting kinda buff. Assuming this is the role it probably means he's not cgi. 

Isn’t Halle Berry a little old for—