
Oh my god, it could have been called WareHouse of the Dead.

Kinda disappointed they didn’t go with a House of the Dead theme.

No Stars because you didn’t include a screencap or GIF.

I for one am shocked!

What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?

“By having people like Brock educating others on college campuses is how society can begin to break the cycle of binge drinking and its unfortunate results.” - holy shit, does he really think the only lesson anyone should take away from this is not to binge drink??? How about DON’T RAPE

“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”

If only Quicksilver wasn’t the sole highlight of the film. I wasn’t the one paying for tickets this time and I still wanted my money back.

Well we can start with logic and look at his CLEARLY STEEL design and then go one step farther by paying attention in 1st grade science class and realize the sun isn’t made of fire.

I downloaded a few clothing mods too. The thing a lot of the artists don’t realize is that 100 percent black is a color that doesn’t show up well in graphics, nor is it the color we look at in real life all that often. Most things are typically higher in grayscale, a lot of my gun textures are around 70 percent grey

Freedom of speech was conceptualized to protect people from the government, allowing them to disagree with their country’s governing leaders without fearing for their lives. I understand America’s never been through dictatorship. My country has, and a lot of European countries have, as well. Not too long ago either.


Yes, please keep posting this dumbass comment, I’m sure it’ll be worth reading the fourth or fifth time.

It’s perfectly in their rights to act this way—free-will and all—just as it’s in everyone else’s right to give them negative press about it.

Seems that their views on equality are as dated as their game design.

CK is out...it’s been out for weeks...you just gotta go through 10,000 hoops to get it...

No one ever said he was good a shapeshifting.

Reminds me of the Computer virus boss from Kirby Super Star. After you defeated in a mock turn based battle, you’d gain random stat increases that had nothing to do with anything.

Yay! Some good, old fashioned, down-home Satanism. I was just pining for the days when the worst thing about video games was their fake satanism. Hail Satan!