Leapin' LIZARDS!

There’s nothing wrong with asking spoilers not to be in headlines. What was wrong was that you requested it for something that was not at all a spoiler... So you were not just posting a “reminder.” And if you were, this was the wrong place to do it since it didn’t happen here. I can see why you thought it could be a

To me, this recap actually helped me make sense of Sansa’s actions. If she had told Jon about Littlefinger’s forces coming, he may have dismissed it because he doesn't like to compromise morally. Sansa, however, is willing to do the dirty work that he's not. They don't see eye to eye about such things, and I'm not

Read this before my brain had a chance to filter out the spoiler. :(

Am I crazy, or did it seem like Harrison was even trying to suggest Chad get violent without explicitly saying it? Specifically when he said to go up to Evan with something that might be “received well” wink, wink, nudge nudge.

There were SO many great things about this episode, but that exchange was by far my favorite. Laughed my ass off.

Yep, I completely agree. After all, they did originally cast Kayla (half Filipino) as the bachelorette for this season before firing her. Also worth noting is that whenever they do cast their first obvious* minority lead, it’ll most likely be someone who is at least half white, like Kayla.

I hear you, and I was a little disappointed too... But when I watch the previews for coming episodes, it seems like Rachel starts to snap out of it. I consider this episode to be a table setting episode.

The band is called “Eagles of Death Metal” not “Eagles of Death.”

I actually have a theory that, despite his occupation, he is actually this season’s virgin.

I fell in love with him before the episode aired because I saw this video. He’s so adorable, and he makes me love his bird shirt too!

That’s a good point. It would matter to some more than others - especially Jon Snow himself, since being a bastard is a huge part of his identity. He could make a grab for the throne either way, but being legitimate still counts for a lot in this world. After all, the Blackfyres were never able to get the throne after

That’s true, but Targs were able to live by their own rules, especially when it came to marriage. After all, Rhaegar’s parents were brother and sister, but the rest of Westeros wasn’t allowed to partake in incest. Rhaegar desperately believed that the dragon had to have three heads, and Elia was barren after their

This is just speculating on further details of R+L=J. Seems there's some disagreement over whether or not they may have wed.

So much of that story is shrouded in mystery, so I don’t think it’s odd that many people may not have known about it. But it has been hinted that there was far more to the story than we were lead to believe. Again, it would have had to be legitimate royal family present for the Kingsguard to be there.

May not have strictly speaking been “valid”, but targs have a history of polygamy. And for Rhaegar, this was a special circumstance, since he needed another child to fulfill a prophecy, in his mind.

Oh I'm totally on board with that theory, in fact I think that's most likely. Rhaegar thought he needed another child to fulfill the dragon has three heads prophecy, and targs have a history of polygamy!


Nothing loaded when I clicked. Is it flash or something?

Holy shit! That is some horrendous manipulation and fat shaming all in one. Truly disgusting.

Or more likely: casting directors are more likely to cast the unstable applicants because it makes better tv. The Bachelor franchise is especially known for doing this.