Leapin' LIZARDS!

Nope, because Lyanna wasn’t even into Robert Baratheon. Also, there’s not really any evidence to suggest she was involved with anyone other than Rhaegar. Meanwhile, there has been a lot of obvious hinting that her relationship with Rhaegar was not the tale told by Ned and other northerners, that she was “kidnapped and

Good to know, thank you for sharing. From the rumor I read, it sounded a little more nuanced... That he and a couple of more extreme JHs believed that God had already cured him, and he went off medication based on that. So, not that he should stop seeking treatment because medicine is “bad” - just that they thought he

Yep - this assumption bothers me as well. I understand why weddings are important to some people. What I dislike is the inherent assumptions many people makes about women and weddings, and that our wedding must be our biggest goal in life. It seems reductive. We are all fully realized human beings, with many dreams


I feel like she and David (“are you the goddess?”) would be a good match!

This is incredible.

Are you the Goddess? I came here just to post this! Well done.

Sounds like the Donald. He has certainly shown how little net worth valuations can mean.

Yes! I find this argument inherently sexist for this reason. How do I own my last name any less than my brothers or my father? Nearly everyone's name has come from someone else, so it's a moot point.

Yep, that’s a good point. I actually have found myself in a similar position - an aunt of mine’s baby daddy was convicted of murdering his new pregnant girlfriend (not my aunt). The guy sounded like a real scumbag regardless, the evidence was overwhelming, and he even admitted yet. But she vehemently insisted he was

I assure you, I’m not speaking for all. I was merely observing that emotional distance from a tragedy can be helpful when evaluating it. As #notallmen pointed out, it certainly goes both ways.

The bloodthirst is something I never understand, and always find frightening when I see people’s desire to inflict violence on others as a form of punishment.

Yep, and it seems the family of the victim has a tendency to be 100% certain of someone’s guilt, regardless of the evidence’s merit. I think it’s part of the natural anger and pain they go through when losing their loved one, but that strong emotional attachment to the case is exactly why they shouldn’t be making

Why doesn't this videohave more views? It’s incredible!

Now playing

I know! I cannot get enough. Also, I’m dying over this bit with Gloria Steinum from last night:

I agree with your methods, and I try to do the same. As someone who tries not to go more than 10mph over the speed limit, I do get a number of faster drivers pulling up behind me while I’m passing the even slower people in the right lane. It’s easy to tell when someone behind you wants to go around - definitely not

I do this too to the worst offenders. If I can’t pull into the right lane, and the tailgater is just being a dick, slowing down further is my passive aggressive way of saying “Fuck you.” I’m not going to speed up to 90 mph just because they can’t wait a few seconds for me to get an opening to move into the right lane.

More crazy details from the Reddit comments by the OP:

Technical question!

I’ll just leave this here.